More People Are Getting Lip Injections Because of Kylie Jenner

According to her plastic surgeon.

Mar 21, 2018

While recent reports show that boob jobs and liposuctions are still the bread and butter of the U.S.'s plastic surgery industry, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons has reported steady increases in lip augmentations and fillers starting in 2015 and continuing through 2016. And Dr. Simon Ourian claims that it's all because of one of his most famous clients: the newly 20-year-old Kylie Jenner.

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The beauty mogul has made big money off of her lips; after all, the foundation of her Kylie Cosmetics is those lip kits, which make appearances in every collection she releases. And Dr. Ourian drew a pretty reasonable conclusion during a WWD interview: that the increase of lip surgeries is directly due to Kylie.

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"When she first talked about her minimal cosmetic procedures I saw a new trend of younger women who suddenly felt empowered to unapologetically want to look more beautiful. It's like Kylie singlehandedly gave a whole generation the ticket to a more enhanced version of themselves," Ourian shared.

It's uh, a helluva statement, but he's certainly right that between her (eventual) openness about her surgeries in 2015 and her lip-based beauty empire, she's probably moved the dial in a way not seen probably since Angelina Jolie. And Ourian, naturally, reaps the benefits of the Kylie association:

"I had treated hundreds of celebrities before but very few of them were bold enough to share their secrets with such transparency. Her influence was much that what was once a taboo has now become a bragging right. People want to brag about having their lips done. My social media patients put up a selfie with me so that they can say they came to our office."

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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