Kalki Koechlin Takes the Cosmo Quiz

She may be the poster-girl for women’s rights, but this inspirational livewire says she got it from her momma.

Jun 20, 2018

Asking Kalki’s views on feminism is like asking a mechanic to talk shop—it comes so naturally and eloquently that everyone wants to do it. She’s been more than vocal about the dire need for feminism, what we need to get about the concept (“once and for all—it’s equality, please!” she sighs) and what we ought to be fighting for. But we couldn’t help but wonder how Kalki grew up to be the fierce and feisty force she is. Turns out, there’s a small army of women that share credit...

The Cosmo Quiz

1. The one TV show I can binge-watch to death is Game of Thrones.

2. My spirit animal is a tiger.

3.I have no idea how to say no to puppy eyes.

4. The strangest thing I’ve ever eaten is blood pudding.

5. I own a ridiculous amount of highly impractical heels.

6. When I look in the mirror I think, ‘I haven’t slept enough!’

7. I’d rather shave my head/ get my tongue pierced/get a tattoo.

8. I’d rather work out/ diet.

9. The last person I fought with was my mother.

10. A book I’ve read more than five times is The Little Prince.

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