Could You Go a Week Without Sugar? by Sophie Choudry

We challenged the star to survive seven days without eating anything containing the calorie-laden ‘s’ word.

Aug 17, 2018

Let’s get one thing straight. Fried, junk and salty foods don’t interest me, but I really like sugar. I like it in my tea, in the form of chocolate, and everyone who knows me will vouch that I always pick dessert over alcohol. So when Cosmo asked me to ban sugar for a full week, I was excited...and nervous. Luckily, I love fruit and am not one to give up easily. I try thinking of options like crackers, dry toasts, and roasted channa. But when I start checking labels, they all contain sugar! I don’t think any of us realise just how much sugar we actually consume. This is going to be quite a challenge... 


Breakfast of coconut water, two egg whites and a slice of whole grain toast. Instead of my morning tea with sugar, I’ve opted for a strong coffee with a dash of milk. The biggest problem is being told that you can’t have something because then you want it even more! Fittings with Manish Malhotra and I skip all the goodies he tries to offer me. I sometimes drink Ribena after dinner, but even that has added sugar! So green tea it is.


Lunch at Ekta Kapoor’s is mouth watering! I can’t believe I have to skip all those yummy desserts . I ask for some chaat without the chutney and it’s still quite delicious, but I do miss that sweet tangy element of tamarind sauce. Two more Ganpati festival visits and it’s not easy. Coffee has replaced tea, but I’m not missing it much. Dinner is chicken salad. Being sugar-free is fine, but not been a very healthy food day. 


I have three different salads for lunch today (chicken salad, a red cabbage, beetroot, and apple salad, and a rocket, cucumber, and pine nut salad)! I’m actually getting enough sugar from the fruit, so my energy levels are fine. I’m famous for my box of fruit and biscuits, I carry it everywhere! I have to manage without it today at a studio recording. But once again, I’m surprised at how it’s just a passing thought and I manage fine.


I usually indulge in dessert when I’m travelling or performing. My performances last almost two hours with a lot of high energy singing and dancing. I think I deserve the carbs, no? Today the challenge is to avoid that and eat 
healthy in flight. Pre-show, I manage with some dry fruit and tea with honey and post the event, I stick to chicken soup. I’m actually high on all the adrenaline from my gig and that’s put a huge smile on my face!


A light snack on the flight has to suffice for breakfast. Next up is a quick cardio session after a lunch of sweet potato salad and chicken. The true test takes place at midnight, when we bring in my uncle’s birthday. I have had an awesome chocolate praline cake made for him and can’t refuse when he asks me to have a bite. I thought I would be grinning from ear to ear after a bite of cake but I find myself thinking I really don’t want this. Cosmo, what have you done to me?!


The day starts early with hair and make-up. I’m Neeta Lulla’s muse for Blender’s Pride Fashion Tour Press Conference. There’s porridge, fruit, and an egg for breakfast because I know there will be no time to eat later. And that’s exactly what happens. I munch on half a sandwich at 4pm, and by the time we get home, it’s dinner time (traffic jams, you see). Surprise: sugar isn’t even in my thoughts. 


I’m loving this sugar-free coffee and I think it will replace my morning tea from now on! I snack on pomegranate around half 11 before meeting friends for lunch at 1:30pm. The best thing about eating with health conscious friends is that no one wants to be the first to order dessert, so in the end, everyone passes. Temptation averted! I rehearse for my gig tomorrow from 5pm-8pm. I feel like eating a date, but I don’t have any, so I have half a berry-and-flaxseed food bar. Wrap up with a dinner of pumpkin soup and grilled chicken. 

The Result 
So apart from a slight slip up on day five, I made it without the cravings and headaches I was expecting. I feel good, my energy levels are great, people say my skin is glowing, and I’ve lost more than half a kilo which is always welcome. I’ve learned two important things during this challenge: 1) foods you least expect, actually contain sugar. So make sure you check the ingredients box; and 2) many foods contains natural sugar so it’s easy to
reduce or cut out sugar from your diet if you balance it well. Yes, I missed having a piece of dark chocolate, the odd cookie and my cold coffees but I now know I can manage without sugar-laden stuff and that feels great!”

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