Beyoncé and Jay Z are Having the Best Holiday Ever

Blissed out and loved up

Mar 21, 2018

This week in Beyoncé living her best life: Beyoncé and ​Jay Z are on holiday and they are having the best, most Instagrammable, holiday of all time. We know this, because Beyoncé just blessed us all by sharing a few photos of their holiday bliss on Instagram. 

Here they are, being very much in love and perfectly filtered. Observe their closely cropped kiss. This is what love is. 

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Here's Jay Z, chilling on a yacht with a Cuban cigar. God, it's like that time your grandparents got  out a slideshow and presented every single moment of their cruise to you, in excruciating detail. 

Except more glamorous, and with fewer Lenny the onboard magician appearances. 

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"Look at these lovely flowers! We're thinking of putting some similar ones in the front garden, but Deidre's had terrible trouble with her hydrangeas this year. Anyway, they're very pretty."

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~Requisite artsy nature shot~

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Oh look, it's Beyoncé being the embodiment of beauty and being totally blissed out on a yacht. Blu tack this to your fridge. This is what we're working towards, people. Hair flowing freely in the wind as we tell our significant others to take a photo for the third time, 'cause we didn't look ​quite ​carefree enough. 

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Beyoncé and Jay Z went to Casa Azul. So *we* must go to Casa Azul. 

[instagram ][/instagram]

Alright, back to a life of desks jobs, cuddling with our laptops, and a frankly unacceptable lack of yachts. *Sigh*

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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