Celebrity Stylist Stacy London Does Not Think the Kardashians Have a Good Fashion Sense

"I don't get it."

Mar 21, 2018

Celebrity stylist Stacy London gave a talk about "powering down" at ​Cosmopolitan​'s Fun Fearless Life event sponsored by Maybelline this weekend — but it wasn't about literally turning off our smart phones. It was about understanding that "social media and real life are two different things." Your identity, she said, "has to be separate from the cultivated identity you create online."

Speaking to her after the panel, ​Cosmo ​asked what she thinks of the most social-media savvy celebs of them all: the Kardashians. Does she agree with Tim Gunn, who recently said the family doesn't have a good fashion sense? ​"Yep," she said. "I don't get it ... it's fashion sense or common sense. I'd say​ ​their fashion is better than common.​"

That said, she currently admires Khloé — "because, damn, is she working it. She's really working it. She just came out with her book on fitness and diet [​Strong Looks Better Naked​], and she is, like, flaunting her hard work." But "I hate the fact that I even know this," London adds. "That's how much I hate these questions. Talking about the Kardashians makes me so unhappy because we're just extending the life of the Kardashians.​"

London's panel focused on the importance of finding your own authenticity in a social-media driven world. "I know there's a cliché [in] saying 'comparison is the thief of joy,' but it's cliché for a reason — because I think that comparison is also the thief of confidence," she said. "If you're comparing your everyday real life with somebody's highlight reel from Instagram, with filters and Facetune and VSCO and whatever other apps there are, then you're going to feel pretty crappy. And that is not a way to walk around and be your best self ... You can have an awesome highlight reel, but you need to understand that that is less authentic than who you are in totality." 

She also stressed the importance of having — wait for it — real-life conversations, which she thinks are actually on the rise again. "In the past year, I've noticed a resurgence of dinner parties and salons ... there's true discussion, conversation ... civil debate instead of trolls spouting cruelty on the Internet — that is essential for us to be healthy and happy, and fun and fearless."

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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