This Is What It's Like to Be Leonardo DiCaprio's Assistant

Dream job.

Mar 21, 2018

There are a lot of cool jobs out there in the world, but none — categorically zero​ — beat this: being Leonardo DiCaprio's personal assistant. Like, does that even count as work?

The only vague struggle I could foresee with such employment would be trying to keep it in your pants so you don't get dismissed for inappropriate behavior.

But one woman who has been lucky enough to put that very job on her CV is Kasi Brown, an aspiring actress who ended up assisting DiCaprio during filming for The Aviator back in 2003. Recently she spoke to The Huffington Post about her definite life-making experience.

So how, you might ask, would one land such a job? Well, it's all in who you know, it seems.

Kasi's friend, who is very similarly named Kayce Brown (a coincidence), was working as Leo's assistant in 2002 while he filmed Catch Me if You Can. She continued to assist him in Montreal at the beginning of The Aviator filming, and Kasi traveled to Canada where she hung out with both her friend and Leo.

So when filming moved to L.A., Kasi already knew Leo and snapped up the job. Nice one.

But what was it actually like, being paid to be in the presence of greatness day in, day out? Pretty great, by the sounds of it. Obviously.

"Leo and I always had fun on set," she told Huffington Post. "[We loved] to observe people and goof around playing characters, doing accents, whatever," she added. Ugh, I want to goof around playing characters with Leo. Why is life so unfair?

"Sometimes, I would pretend that he was the stereotype of an entitled celebrity and when he would ask me to do something, I would bow and in a beaten-down voice say, 'Yes, sir, anything you like sir, anything else, sir?' and he would laugh and tell me to knock it off," Brown said.

And while spending all that time getting up close and personal with Leonardo, Kasi inevitably learned a lot about him. Like how private he is, after he told her he liked Halloween so much because, wearing a costume, he was "able to walk amongst people and interact with them without recognition."

He's also very smart, apparently, with in-depth knowledge of "politics, pop culture, history, you name it," and has a "wicked sense of humor," which doesn't surprise me one bit.

"He's extremely down to earth, and he likes to share stories and life experiences with people," she added. No divas, here, then. Could he be any more ideal? I almost wish he was a bit of a dick so I wouldn't be so envious.

And the best bit? Leo remained loyal to Kasi, long after he wasn't her boss. Kasi told how the actor still made efforts to keep in touch, and gave her useful professional feedback and encouragement when it came to Kasi trying to achieve her own dreams within the industry.

What an absolute love. Got any vacancies going, Leo?

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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