Can #TheChop Change Your Life?

Getting a haircut can be risky business—but these four gorgeous girls tell us why the payoff is absolutely worth it!

Jul 13, 2018

The Fringe Bob

Sayani Gupta, Actor
“I actually cut my hair for a film! I read the character and was like, ‘This girl needs a bob!’ My director was totally surprised, but he was happy I went for it. And I’m glad I finally did it because I always wanted this cut as a child. Most kids throw tantrums and want their hair long, but all I wanted was for mine to be lopped clean off! I feel like this cut really works for me—and people have been incredibly receptive to it. I was even told by someone that now my hair’s totally going to ‘change my luck’. So, fingers crossed!”


The Classic Lob

Urvashi Kumar, Blogger, The Right Shade Of Red

“I was so freaked out before the cut! As a blogger, taking risks with my hair and style is part of the job description, but I was worried I might end up hating it. Strangely enough though, once I got the chop, I felt relieved. It  made me feel and look younger (I think). In fact, I went to a bar and got ID’d (the bouncers thought I was 17)! A good haircut can have a very life-affirming effect on you, and it certainly did on me. I’ve always had curls, and I’ve spent a lifetime trying to straighten them—after the cut, I’m curly and proud of it. Even my outfit choices have seen a change after the cut. I find myself experimenting more, pulling out things from my closet I haven’t worn in years, and buying lots of skater skirts and cuter outfits I normally wouldn’t wear.”


The Wavy Bob

Mehtab Mann, Photographer

“My mother’s first comment was, ‘How will you get married with that hair?!’ Now it’s grown out to a nice, mid-short length, but when I first got the cut, it was pretty extreme—I went from waist-length to really short in an instant. I was so disoriented—I’d run my hands through my hair and there’d be nothing there. But I loved it. It gave me confidence in the same way the right pair of heels would. Before the chop, I never wore make-up (because I could always hide behind my hair), but now I’m doing lots of red lipstick and big earrings. I feel like I have to make more of an effort with myself now—but in a good way. All said and done, I have #noregrets!”


The A-Line Lob

Kayaan Contractor, Blogger, Love and Other Bugs

“My reason for getting ‘the chop’ wasn’t too dramatic—I was basically over the whole ombré thing that had been ‘growing out’ since forever, and I was tossing up the idea of either colouring it or cutting it. The latter seemed easier—also riskier, but fun. So, I just went for it and the blonde bits of my hair were history. The minute I put up a photo of the new me on Insta, the response was super-positive! People were all ‘I love it!’ and ‘That’s it, I’m chopping off my hair too’. It looked great. Plus, my head feels so much lighter!”


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