7 Relationship Tips You Should Always Ignore

"It's OK to snoop on him"...it's so NOT!

Mar 21, 2018

If you are in a relationship, chances are you have heard a lot of advice from your parents, siblings, friends, cousins andddd the rest of the world. While some advice may be super helpful, there is others you should totally ignore! Here are 7 relationship advice that are not worth your time.

1) 'Play the game' 
...and by games we mean don't text him back right away, don't show too much interest, let him know that other people are interested in you... blah blah blah. If you and your man are totally into one another, there is absolutely no need for games.

2) Do whatever it takes to always please your guy.
Relationships are two way street so you both should do your best to make the other person happy. 

3) Get married/Have a baby to make you closer.
Here is the cold truth: If your relationship is falling apart or having issues, getting married or having a baby will not save it.

4) Never go to bed angry.
Arguments can get really out of hand in the heat of the moment. Sometimes it is actually better to sleep off your anger and talk rationally in the morning.

5) Tell each other everything.
You don't need to tell your partner everything little thing about yourself and neither does he. Some things are best left unknown.

6) You both should settle down by age ___.
Only you and your other half will know when you are both ready to settle down. Don't fall into society's pressure of getting married by a certain age unless you both are fully ready!

7) It's ok to snoop on him.
No matter what anyone says, it is never OK to snoop on your guy. If you find yourself wanting to spy on him, it is because you lack trust in your relationship which is something that you need to address.

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