The Glorious Art of Goodnight Messages

Categorised by horniness, sappiness, and whether or not you’re official official.   

Oct 25, 2020

Hot take alert: goodnight texts are waaay more significant than morning texts. They’re basically a subtle way to tell someone you’re thinking about them during one of the most intimate, private moments of the day—right before you fall asleep. Think about it: the few moments of reflection right before your slumber feel like the time when you’re most highly in tune with your emotions, needs, desires, and wants. It’s a good sign you’ve caught some major feels if, during those thoughts, you’re eager to send someone a solid goodnight text. But because these goodnight messages are a total make-or-break situation—like, you have to play it cool in some cases!—we’ve curated a list of the best goodnight texts to send to your person depending on what emotion you’re trying to evoke.
You have full permission to copy and paste these, friends.

If you’re in the early stages of getting to know each other...

- ‘Goodnight!’...because sometimes it’s really that easy.
- ‘Sweet dreams.’
- ‘Maybe if I’m lucky, you’ll give me just as much attention tomorrow as you gave me today. (**) Goodnight!’ Be careful with this one—like, the emoji is absolutely necessary, but 8/10 it’s a sure-fire way to get a flirty text the next morning.
- ‘Goodnight, talk to you tomorrow.’ It’s like a promise to continue the conversation the next day.
- Say nothing. Pretend you fell asleep and wake up the next morning with, ‘Ah, sorry, I fell asleep on you!’ and then pick up the conversation where it ended. (FWIW: this helps keep the conversation going so no-one needs to worry about who is texting who first. In short, game changer.)

If you’re horny...

- ‘This bed is awfully lonely without you, but I guess I’ll have to wait for [*insert next time you’ll see them*].’
- ‘Wish you were putting me to sleep instead, but I guess I’ll take care of things myself.’
- ‘I can think of more fun ways to fall asleep if you were here, but I guess it’ll have to wait.’
- ‘Hmm, what kind of goodnight text would it take to get you in my bed right now?’
- ‘Based on everything I’ve been thinking about doing to you, my dreams will be real nice tonight.’

If you’re in your feels and wanting to be sappy...

- ‘Let’s hope my dreams are as sweet as you.’
- ‘Goodnight, [*insert any pet name like babe, love, etc*].’
- ‘If you could get out of my head and let me sleep for a little while, that’d be great.’ (A li’l cliché but a classic for a reason.)
- ‘Ugh. I don’t want to go to bed because that means I don’t get to talk to you for seven hours.’
- ‘Sweet dreams. Think about me.’ Literally no emoji or exclamation point. Period.

If You’re long distance...

- ‘[*Insert number of days*] until I can lie beside you. 
Can’t wait.’
- ‘I’m going to bed with you as my last thought, and can’t wait to wake up to you as my first.’
- ‘You know, it’s a good thing you’re so [*insert attribute you love about them*] because that’d make this whole long-distance thing really, really hard if not. But you’re worth these nights alone in bed.’
- ‘Day [*insert how long it’s been since you’ve seen each other*] of not seeing you, but one day closer to seeing you again. Goodnight, my love.’
- ‘Ugh, how much would it cost to get you in an overnight jet to my bed RN?’ This is borderline horny, but go big or go home.

If you want them to know how much you love them...

- ‘I hate saying goodnight 
to you.’
- ‘I love that you’re my last thought before I go to bed.’
- ‘I’m obsessed with being your last thought before you go 
to bed.’
- ‘I don’t want to sleep because I know my dreams can’t compare to you in my reality.’
- ‘I love you. Goodnight.’

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