Meet the Web Series Star Rasika Dugal

From studying theatre in college to becoming a well known actress...get up close with Rasika Dugal.

18 November, 2020
Meet the Web Series Star Rasika Dugal

The digital world is arguably in its most-loved-yet phase right now, with various streaming platforms capturing the imagination of the audience like never before! This striking shift in the consumption of entertainment has not just birthed an unprecedented domination of the digi-landscape, with several addictive shows to boast, it has also led to the rise (and rise!) of a melange of web superstars!

In an ode to the changing trends, Cosmo gets talking to some of these new-age stars, on how they started out, their journey so far, and why this supremely-talented bunch needs to be on your watch list right now!  


Rasika Dugal
Last Seen In: Banana Bread (Terribly Tiny Tales, YouTube)


“Flipping aimlessly through a newspaper can sometimes be life-changing. That’s how I came to become an actor! One day, many years ago, I was bored with what I was doing, and read in the paper that the Film and Television Institute of India, Pune, was restarting its acting course. Mesmerised by the idea of a film school, I applied, went through the rather difficult entrance process, and was accepted. However, I was still not sure if I really wanted to be an actor. Theatre in college had been fun, a paper on film studies during post graduation had been exciting, but a career in acting?! My boss at the time (then a new mother) told me that ‘No decision in the world was irreversible...except motherhood’. I will never forget that line, and I finally decided to give it a go. A few months into the course, I was totally in love with the many, many things that being an actor asked of me. I realised that this was what I wanted to do for as long as possible! But if not acting, I would have gotten into singing. I have a deep admiration for singers, especially actor-singers or singer-actors, and find myself in tears through most musicals! As a person, I am a stickler for detail, obsessed with intricacies, and completely unable to prioritse or strategise! I can go on and see, actors love talking about themselves!” 
