12 Times Amy Poehler Was Our Absolute HERO

Aside from the fact she co-wrote Mean Girls, obvs. That would make anyone a hero.

21 March, 2018
12 Times Amy Poehler Was Our Absolute HERO

​Amy Poehler, along with her Sisters ​co-writer/star come best friend Tina Fey, has become something of a hero to us in recent years. It all started with the creation of Mean Girls​; anyone who can come up with a film with ​that ​many catchphrases quite frankly deserves a knighthood.

But it's not only that. She's funny, powerful, self-assured and not willing to be anything but herself. She's living her best life, and we could all take a lesson or two from her. Like these ones...

1. Be yourself

2. Crying is a beautiful thing to do

3. Don't worry about what others think

4. Be your own best friend

5. Know yourself

6. Don't take no shit

7. You don't owe anybody ANYTHING

8. Assertiveness is totes sexy

9. Learn how to hit where it hurts

10. Cry with sadness AND laughter

11. Remember you will bounce back

12. And most importantly...

You've got life sorted, Amy Poehler.

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Credit: Cosmopolitan