Your Daily Horoscope For Monday August 12th

Our in-house astrologer tells you whats in store for your sign✨

By Shruti Dwivedi
12 August, 2019
Your Daily Horoscope For Monday August 12th

Aries                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Astro: Jupiter will make you feel comfortable in your own space. You must keep your focus directed towards what you want to achieve. However, don’t over burden yourself and get some rest. 
Tarot: You will find yourself feeling distant from people. However, according to the Hermit, you will sail through it with ease. A lot of responsibilities are coming your way. 

Astro: Make it a day when you prioritise yourself and set goals to reach your desired result. With Jupiter direct in your House of Relationships aspecting your natal zodiac, you will be impeccable at making decisions on the home front. 
Tarot: The Chariot will help you take complete control of your life. You will be able to complete your pending to-do lists. It’s high time you identify where you’re lagging in life. 

Astro: Taking some rest off your hectic schedule seems like a great idea. It seems like a great day to equate your finances. Keep a tab on all your expenses to avoid over-spending. As the moon in your House of Relationships, you will be able to focus better. A short travel or a super-romantic time with your partner seems to be on the cards. 
 Tarot: Starting a new chapter in your life will do you good You might feel inclined towards taking risks with barely any support from your loved ones. However, the risks you take will be rewarding. Reconsider your investments. Remember, The Universe has your back!

Astro: With the moon in Sagittarius, you should go out and socialise and meet your friends. A mood swing might pull you down but you will e able to sail through it with ease. As Jupiter is direct, you focus towards your goals is completed aligned. 
Tarot: Don’t fret over any disappointment you might face today. Remember to not over think about things which haven’t happened yet. The Six of Swords will help you get through your mood swings. 

With the moon in your House of Family and Jupiter direct in your House of Happiness, you will spend a great amount of quality time with your loved ones. You will sense the feeling of comfort and belongingness after a long time. 
Tarot: Your closest friends will help you out of a difficult situation you might find yourself in. You might consider renovating your house or finishing that pending construction. Avoid getting dragged into an unnecessary squabble or confrontation. 

Astro: With Mercury in your House of Gains, you will try to make most out of your relationships. You might regret spending a great amount of money on a gadget. Try sorting out things on the home front. 
Tarot: The Three of Swords night bring some disappointment in your life. However, with the King of Wands helping you rise, you will be able to overcome all feelings of betrayal and manage things in an easy way.

Astro: Librans, while Venus is still in Cancer and Jupiter is direct, you will have a fruitful talk with your close friends. Try not sounding too aggressive or defensive while communicating. Take some time out for yourself to put a POA in place. 
Tarot:  Watch out for betrayal coming your way. However, with the Ace of Cups, a great opportunity is on the cards. Be ready to be surprised. For those of you who are single, you might come across someone special. 

Astro: With Mars in Leo and Jupiter Direct, it is the perfect time to take firm decisions and make steady moves. Make the most out of your relationship and career. Spend some quality time with your friends and go out for drinks and a good meal with people you love. 
Tarot: The week will start beautifully with a pleasant surprise. Be ready to have a new person in your life. You might consider meeting a few friends or planning a vacay, today seems to be a great day!

Astro: With the moon in Sagittarius now, you might find yourself extremely sensitive. It’s okay to spend time brooding instead of taking actions. But don’t worry Sagis, you just need to take a deep breath, meditate and get rid of that annoying uninvited anxiety and panic caused due to combust Venus. Look forward to the great time you will have with your partner today. 
Tarot: There is fruition, love, romance, spirituality and a great time with family that you should look forward to. Its finally time to actualise all your dreams. The week does start with a lot of responsibility. A female figure will help you achieve your goals. The Empress says that a support system is in the offing. 

Astro: With Jupiter in your House of Money, your partner might unexpectedly help you on the financial front. With Mars however aspecting your House of Communication, try being subtle. With Jupiter direct, your focus will be on the home front. You might consider acquiring a new skill. 
Tarot: The Tower says your that your lifestyle needs a change. There can be a sudden jolt in the relationship equation. However, you need to be patient. A loss of someone special or the change in behaviour of a certain someone might pull you down for a little while. But your family’s support will make you stay strong. 

Astro: With the moon with Retrograde Saturn, you are bound to go through mood swings. However, Jupiter direct will give you plenty of time to bond with your father and start afresh. You have to be tactful while dealing with your partner as you might feel some harshness from their end. 
Tarot: If you’ve been lying low in terms of your relationship and business, gear up! Its high time, you move out of your comfort zone. A great for opportunities, love, romance, celebrations and parties will compensate for all the hard work you’ve been putting in.

Astro: With Jupiter direct in your House of Fortune, start counting your blessings! With Mars aspecting your House of Travels, you might a short travel seems to be on the cards. It seems like a great day for your partner and you. 
Tarot: Today is all about goals and growth and love and romance. With Knave of Wands and Queen of Wands, grab all those opportunities that comes your way and stay in complete control of yourself. 

Predictions by Shruti Dwivedi Email:

Instagram: ://ShrutiDwivediOfficial
