A 4-Step Guide to Inner Peace and Happiness

Ektaa Sibal—Inner-Self Transformation Specialist, Meditation Expert, and Gifted Energy Healer—reveals the ultimate secret to liberation.

30 June, 2021
A 4-Step Guide to Inner Peace and Happiness

Do you often find yourself in a rut, overwhelmed with intrusive thoughts and engulfed by a pessimistic mindset? Take our word for it—no man can escape worldly troubles and personal struggles. Thereby, all of us are en route to pursue happiness and establish a profound sense of inner calm, however that may be. Whether you set out for an early morning stroll or spend time with close friends and family, it all boils down to an attempt to attain pure bliss.  




"True inner peace can be achieved when we deeply connect with ourselves. And, contrary to popular belief, it is easier than you may think. Connecting with yourself opens the pathway to a plethora of possibilities such as viewing phases of life from a different perspective and learning along the way. These realisations consequently give way to an innate sense of peace and happiness, deep within. Plus, this connection with your own self unlocks your hidden abilities to overcome fears, insecurities, and doubts while building inner strength to face life challenges," explains Ektaa Sibal, Inner-Self Transformation Specialist.


One of the most effective ways to find inner peace and happiness is to be willing to change your usual way of handling turmoil. To reset and reconnect with oneself, you must: 

1) Release emotional baggage 

2) Forgive and low yourself

3) Accept people and situations as is, without being critical

4) Cherish pleasant memories

5) Take a break to do what makes you happy 


Ektaa Sibal's 4-Step Guide to Find Inner Peace and Happiness in Life


"Meditation is a great way to connect with your inner-self and find calm and happiness within. Dedicating solely 5 to 10 minutes each day to practice this 4-step guide can bring about a welcome change—clearing your mind and detaching you from worldly turmoil—so that you can reset, recentre, and refocus," she adds.


Step 1: Breath Work to Relax and Refocus

Conscious and controlled breathing helps shift the focus of the mind. Follow a simple technique called '4-7-8 breathing', where you close your eyes and inhale through the nose for a count of four, hold onto your breath for a count of seven, and exhale through the mouth for a count of eight. 


Step 2: Release to Unclutter your Mind

Try to release and let go of past negative thoughts, emotions, fears, and insecurities. First, accept that they exist in your mind, and then give your brain the instruction: "I choose to release these unhelpful emotions, feelings, fears, and insecurities from my mind, body, and soul." Repeat this affirmation a few times.


Step 3: Recenter to Your Third Eye or Your Heart

Bring your focus back to the third eye point or place your hand on your heart while breathing and say, "I infuse peace and happiness within me with every breath I take." Repeat this affirmation a few times.


Step 4: Journal to Experience Gratitude and Joy

Make it a habit to journal your experience. After a few days of following this practice, go back and read your previous journals. This will not only motivate you to continue the process but will also create a sense of inner peace and stability.
