11 Lazy Girl Snacks That are Easy to Make AND are Really Good For You

Because who has that kinda time, right?

21 March, 2018
11 Lazy Girl Snacks That are Easy to Make AND are Really Good For You

1. Banana nice cream

Yes, with an 'n' - this ice cream contains no refined sugar, dairy, or any of the other hidden naughties that are probably nestled into your tub of Ben and Jerrys, because it's literally just banana. All you have to do it chop 'em up and freeze them, then blend the chunks, and that totally average bit of fruit magically blossoms into the closest thing you've ever going to get to Mr Whippy for under 100 cals. It's seriously rich and creamy, and a great base for other flavours too – add a spoonful of cacao and some dark chocolate chips to your next batch and you can totally thank us later.

A photo posted by Connor Harris (@cinnamonconnor) on Aug 8, 2015 at 12:28pm PDT

2. Homemade Nakd bar

Nakd bars are amazing, and probably one of the only genuinely nutritious 'bars' on the supermarket shelves - but they can be pretty pricey if you've got a one-a-day habit like ours. Learn to make your own, and you can save some cash and customize them to suit your tastes - there are loads of different variations to be found online, but most of them are based around dates or other sweet dried fruits like raisins, nuts, and seeds like chia. Whack your chosen ingredients into a blender, then turn out, leave to set, slice and serve. They'll keep in a Tupperware for ages, so you can blitz once and enjoy for dayzzz.

A photo posted by Raquel Alves (@simplesmenta.pt) on Apr 14, 2015 at 7:28am PDT

3. Sweet potato crisps

We know what you're thinking - why the eff would you bother with the hassle of making your own crisps when you could just open a bag? The answer, dear reader, is because they're a whole lot better for you – and nowhere near as tricky to make as you think. Thinly slice your 'tato, leaving the skin on because that's where a bunch of the nutrients are, then put them in a bowl with a little glug of oil and your chosen seasoning, and toss. Bake in a moderate oven until the edges begin to crinkle, then cool (this takes all of 5 mins) then chow down until the last crumb is gone. This works just as well with other veg like parsnip, beetroot or courgette, and…

A photo posted by Lauren Wood (@laurenwood1990) on Aug 1, 2015 at 9:46am PDT

4. Apple crisps

…apples, because crisps don't always have to be savoury. Use the same slicing method, but vary the seasoning (you probs want cinnamon rather than salt for these…), then bake at a lower temp (110˚C) for a longer time, letting them do their thing for about an hour while the incredible smell fills your kitchen. If you haven't guessed already, a mandolin slicer is your new BFF – get one and the whole prep process for any healthy chips should take you about 5 mins tops.

A photo posted by RGClarke (@rg_clarke) on May 20, 2015 at 5:45am PDT

5. Frozen banana bites

Banana + peanut butter + chocolate + your freezer = a snack made in sweet-tooth heaven. These banana bites are pretty self-explanatory to make – you simply slice, stick together with peanut butter, freeze, and then coat. It's up to you whether you choose to fully commit to the chocolate dip or restrain yourself to a more modest bottom-only dunk, but either way, when they're done, they're a veritable party in your virtuous mouth.

A photo posted by Kerry Derham (@misscombatbarbie) on Apr 20, 2015 at 6:47am PDT

6. Cucumber sandwiches

No, not the claggy, buttery things that everyone avoids at afternoon tea in favour of smoked salmon – these sandwiches are crunchy, tasty, totally Instagram-worthy towers of cucumber and your usual fillings. Layer slices of cucumber with ham, cheese, hummus or similar and… er, that's about it actually. Once you've got over the no-bread weirdness, these will quickly become your new go-to for when you fancy something crunchy but don't want to succumb to carbs.

A photo posted by Katie Ferguson (@fergusonkatie) on Aug 6, 2015 at 9:12am PDT

7. Roasted chickpeas

Salt and vinegar fans, your time has come, because Oh She Glows has got THE BEST recipe for salty, tangy chickpeas that totally negate the need for a packet of green-bagged Walkers. You boil the chickpeas in vinegar for maximum face-twisting sourness, then roll in salt and bake til golden, and they are delish. If you're not an S and V kinda girl but love the sound of roasted chickpeas, try a spicy mix with paprika, or go sweet with honey and cinnamon instead.

A photo posted by goodnessguru (@goodnessguru) on Aug 5, 2015 at 10:03am PDT

8. Frozen grapes

Okay, so this is probably the most basic 'recipe' we've ever given you, but you honestly won't believe how much some time in the freezer transforms these juicy little beauts. To make, rinse your grapes, pat them dry, pop into a plastic bag and freeze overnight. The next day, you'll have a crisp, super-sweet, super-healthy treat that's almost as good as the candy you're craving. Also, bonus life hack: you can put them in wine to keep them chilled without watering them down (although we can't guarantee the vino is as good for you as the grapes…)

target="_top">A photo posted by Jessica Rey (@itsjesmylife) on Aug 1, 2015 at 2:58pm PDT

9. Watermelon pops

What's more fun than food? Food on a stick, that's what. Simply dice your melon into easy-to-manage triangles, push a lolly stick through the skin end, and drizzle with some dark chocolate, nut butter or whatever else takes your fancy. You can eat them as is, or freeze if you want something a little more refreshing – either way it makes melon wayyy more interesting than the plasticy cubes you get in supermarket packets.

A photo posted by Rebecca Raymundo, RD, LDN (@mynutritionvision) on Jun 2, 2015 at 4:47pm PDT

10. Banana on toast

The humble banana keeps popping up on this list, because it's a) really good for you and b) really good IN a bunch of different snacks. This time, you don't freeze it, but instead slice it up and put it on a slice of peanut butter toast, opting for rye or wholegrain bread if poss. For extra goodness, top with a pinch of chia – these little seeds might not look like much, but they're full of fibre, protein, healthy fats and minerals, and even just a tiny sprinkle will go a long way to actually filling you up and stopping you from reaching for another unnecessary slice.

A photo posted by Adella Greenwood (@throughthe_lookingglass) on Jun 29, 2015 at 7:12pm PDT

11. Popcorn

The buckets you get at the cinema are not good for you, but corn that you pop yourself definitely can be. If you have a popcorn maker, air pop yours, or use a saucepan and a spoonful of coconut oil if not, shaking regularly oven a medium heat until the popping subsides. When it comes to flavours, you can take the sweet or savoury route – parmesan and herbs are just as good as (more) coconut and a drizzle of 80% dark chocolate. The key to keeping it healthy is portion control, so have some sealable bags on hand to package up your popcorn as treats you can grab and go throughout the week.

A photo posted by Honest Grocer (@honest_grocer) on Jun 24, 2015 at 5:43am PDT
Credit: Cosmopolitan