We've Found the BEST Butter Chicken Pizza In The City...

Get read for some cheesy goodness

21 March, 2018
We've Found the BEST Butter Chicken Pizza In The City...

​If you're a butter chicken junkie, and your favourite Friday Night indulgence dinner is pizza, your two loves are going to meet in the most magnificent way at The Chatter House. The Butter Chicken Pizza is a complete treat—and is nowhere near as rich and heavy as you'd imagine. The succulent flavours of the chicken work beautifully with the delicious, molten cheese and the results are spectacular.

Our recommendation is that, the best way to eat this pizza is to grab a corner booth (they have the cutest booths!), and start by ordering yourself the icy Gringo.

Then, get your stomach all warmed up with the classic, crunchy Chicken Chorizo.

Then, tuck into that delicious pizza

And last, finish up with a pretty revolutionary dessert—The Gulab Jamun Cheesecake

Go on, move all your weekend plans to The Chatter House

The Chatter House​: Lower Basement, Epicuria Food Mall, Nehru Place Metro Station, Nehru Place, New Delhi

The Chatter House, 1st & 2nd floor,, Khan Market, Rabindra Nagar, New Delhi, Delhi 110003​
