6 cute at-home date ideas when it’s too cold to step outside

Who said staying in has to be boring?

05 January, 2024
 6 cute at-home date ideas when it’s too cold to step outside

While dressing up and going out for chic dates with your partner never gets old, it’s officially that time of the year when all we want to do is bundle up in our thickest, cosiest sweaters, cradle a mug of hot chocolate, eat an almost unacceptable amount of food, and not leave the house until further notice. So, if you still want to make dates with your partner special without stepping out of the house, we’ve got some ideas for you. From cooking up a storm in the kitchen to building a pillow fort, these will tide you over the winter months, and even add a bit of variety to your relationship. 

Amp up your regular movie night

Yes, we agree, nothing beats a good ol’ romantic movie night cuddled up on the couch with your partner, but may we suggest taking it up a notch by using a projector? It gives an old-school vibe that we love, and you can move away from the confines of the living room to watch a movie anywhere. In the bedroom while you’re all cosied up in bed? Yes. In the garden or on the terrace with a wall or a white bedsheet used as a canvas? Yes! Don’t skimp on the popcorn. 

Do something crafty

If you and your boo are good at art or DIY projects, then it’s a brilliant idea to bring out the canvases, paints, and brushes and get crafty! It could be as simple as downloading a template off the internet and following it. Or, use a prompt and let your imagination do the rest—it will be interesting to see what both of you come up with. If painting is not your thing, you can also do other craft-related activities like origami or making a scrapbook with some of your most memorable pictures. 

Plan a fun games night

Board games, card games, and puzzles are a great way to spend quality time together, away from your phones, especially if you’re a competitive couple who loves to get a kick out of playing with each other! To increase the stakes, you can even decide a prize for the winner—it could include doing the next cycle of laundry or planning a nice dinner. Don’t forget to make a simple snack station with chips, cheese, and more to munch on while you play. 

Have a karaoke session

Screaming-singing to your favourite songs in a bar in front of strangers might be thrilling, but replicating the same setting in the comfort of your home with your partner can be just as exciting, and less anxiety-inducing if you’re an introvert. Cue up a playlist of some of your favourite songs and get singing! 

Indulge in a cooking project

Does anything sound better than getting together in the kitchen and lovingly preparing a warm, delicious meal with your partner? We don’t think so. Pick a dish (or dishes if you’re feeling ambitious) according to your skill level and get cooking. It could be as elaborate as pasta from scratch or a box of brownie mix. Whatever you choose, you’ll have good food to enjoy together at the end of it!

Build a pillow fort 

We know what you’re thinking—isn’t building a pillow fort something you’d do with your school best friend at a sleepover? Wrong! Regardless of age, pillow forts are fun, and the perfect opportunity to bring out your and your partner’s inner child. Make the most of your favourite pillows, cushion, and blankets, and add fairy lights to the mix to make it even more romantic. You can either enjoy a cosy dinner inside or binge-watch Netflix in its comfort. 
