7 Ways To Sleep Better

A fool proof plan, approved by experts. Hit the Snooze button now

31 March, 2020
7 Ways To Sleep Better

We know you have been confined at home all day and the overload of Coronavirus news on Tv and social media isn’t allaying your anxiety. You’ve been spending sleepless nights and are at your wit’s end because try what you may, sleep just eludes you. Experts are of the view that though sleep is essential to our health and well being, this is often the first casualty when we’re feeling overwhelmed sleep. So we have put together things that you need to do for quality snooze.

Cut off screen time

Delhi-based psychologist Harsheen k. Arora says, “How we sleep makes a big diddference. Sleep is a state of relaxation. Your mind needs to be in a state of calm for you to sleep well.”  She suggests imposing a no screen time one to two hours before going to bed. If you watch any type of screen, be it mobile, TV or laptop, your brain gets stimulated and it takes time for it to get back to a state of relaxation.


Check what you are wearing

Clothes maketh a man and clothes definitely maketh good snooze time. Dr Deepali Bhardwaj, dermatologist and laser surgeon, founder of Skin and Hair Clinics, says, “To sleep better wear cotton clothes. Satin or silk nightwear can cause irritation. Especially people suffering from allergies, eczema, psoriasis and atopic dermatitis should avoid wearing then when going to sleep.” Staying hydrated and keeping your skin moisturized is also essential. Dry skin can lead to itching and irritation, hindering your sleep.

Distract your mind with music or books

Listening to soft, instrumental music before bed time helps relax as it takes your mind off anxious thoughts. Likewise books also shift your attention and prepare you for slumber.


Avoid information overload

Watching or reading disturbing news throughout the day can wreak havoc with your mind, says Arora. She suggests you stay informed about the current crisis and check only authentic sources for information. Don’t just believe each and every WhatsApp forward that you receive.

Pay attention to what you eat

There are some sleep inducing foods that should be a part of your diet. Lovneet Batra, clinical psychologist and founder of Nutrition by Lovneet, says, “Drinking a cup of chamomile tea before bed time will help relax muscles and reduce cortisols. It is a tested cure for insomnia.” Other foods that can be beneficial to insomniacs are bananas, figs and warm milk. Batra explains, “Banana is rich in magnesium that helps in increasing GABA which relaxes the body and puts you to sleep. Milk is rich in tryptophan, an amino acid that increases serotonin levels and relaxes the body; figs help in lowering blood pressure, alleviating neuroinflammation and relaxing the body.


Take a shower

A warm shower is not only comforting for the aching muscles but will lull you to sleep too. Warm water initially raises your body’s temperature but then causes it to drop and it is this drop that gets you to sleep.

Try the 4-7-8 technique

Created by American sleep expert Dr Andrew Weil, this breathing trick will fill up your lungs, get more oxygen into your body and lull you to sleep. Start by putting the tip of your tongue behind your two front teeth. Breathe in through your nose for four seconds, hold for seven seconds, and then exhale through your mouth for eight seconds. Repeat this four times.


