One Woman Painted Her Staircase to Look Like Books — and the Results are Amazing

Believe it or not, it was cheaper than installing carpeting.

21 March, 2018
One Woman Painted Her Staircase to Look Like Books — and the Results are Amazing

It's truly amazing what some imagination and craftiness can do to a set of stairs. We've seen pastel staircases and steps adorned with bright fabric, but nothing as playful as this idea.

Pippa Branham, a mom and bibliophile from Woolpit, England, hand-painted her staircase to look like the spine of her and her husband's 13 favorite books, she shared onFacebook. The brilliant work of art was inspired by an image she saw on Pinterest.

Lucky for us, Branham has shared step-by-step images of how she transformed the drab wooden stairs into colorful "books" using a set of brushes, tape, and paint, over the course of six weeks.

To ensure the stairs were safe for kids (and not slippery from the paint), she mixed the paint with a small amount of kid's play sand to make it grittier, Branham told Buzzfeed.

The whole project cost the family less than $200, which was less expensive than carpeting the stairs and not to mention, much more fun.

Branham said the most difficult part of the project was painting sets of letters sideways, but that she's very happy with the results.

