This 'Golden Trio' of Sex Moves Helps Women Orgasm, Say Scientists

The key to a better sex life has been revealed.

21 March, 2018
This 'Golden Trio' of Sex Moves Helps Women Orgasm, Say Scientists

A new study has revealed that heterosexual women have fewer orgasms than anyone else. But scientists believe they have now uncovered a 'golden trio' of sex moves that will improve your chances of climaxing.

Researchers quizzed over 50,000 people of different sexual orientations and genders in monogamous relationships to determine how we reach orgasm, The Independent reports. After studying the data, scientists from Chapman University, Indiana University and the Kinsey Institute have revealed the sex move combination that has the highest chance of helping women orgasm:

  • Genital stimulation
  • Deep kissing
  • Oral sex

Noting that many believe sexual intercourse is the best way for a woman to climax, the researchers explained that this is far from true. While 86% of lesbian women reported usually having an orgasm while being sexually intimate with their partner, just 65% of straight women did.

'About 30% of men actually think that intercourse is the best way for women to have orgasm, and that is sort of a tragic figure because it couldn't be more incorrect,' said study co-author Elisabeth Lloyd. 'To say that there needs to be some education I think is an understatement.'

The team added that their recommended 'golden trio' could help more women orgasm, but that there is no 'one size fits all' approach.

However, lead researcher David Frederick added that the best tip for greater sexual satisfaction is learning to be more open and communicative with your partner. 'Explicit and direct communication with one's partner is key,' he said.

Credit: Cosmopolitan