We Tell You The Easy Hacks You Can Do To Get That Peaches-and-Cream Glow You've Always Wanted

Get a literal glow up! 

Mar 19, 2024

We all love a nice, rosy glow on our cheeks, don’t we? It doesn’t matter what how fair or dark-skinned we are, a healthy blush just adds to our look like nothing else does. The proverbial peaches-and-cream look, although traditionally reserved for people with very fair skin only, is something we can all achieve. It’s all about getting that warm glow on our faces, with the help of a nice blush, moisturiser, and a bunch of handy hacks. Here’s a few tips on how to get that natural-looking glow you’ve always wanted:

1. Scrub, Scrub, Scrub Away!

Exfoliating your skin regularly is the first important step toward getting that glow. A good scrub sloughs away dead skin cells and gives your dull skin a fresh look. Using an exfoliator that contains alpha hydroxy acids, like glycolic acid, is always a good option. You can also go completely au naturel and use a homemade scrub with fuller’s earth and lemon.


2. Radiance Boosting Creams FTW

This is one beauty secret you won’t hear from any celebrity (because it actually works). Apart from using a good moisturiser, you can use one of many radiance-boosting, illuminating creams before you put on any makeup.


3. Bronzer is Your BFF

Bronzer happens to be a multi-purpose lifesaver, capable of completely transforming your look, no matter what your skin tone. It’s also great for giving you a warm glow on your cheeks, nose, and forehead. Pro tip: Use a matte bronzer for a more natural look.


4.  Dare to Blush

While a lot of us prefer more neutral blushes on our cheekbones, don’t be afraid to opt for rose-hued or coral blushes that will give your cheeks that glowy look. Remember to go light with them and blend well, so that it looks like you’re glowing from the inside.


5. Drink.Your.Water

This may sound very obvious (because it is), but so many of us don’t hydrate enough. Drinking lots of water truly makes a difference to your skin. If you don’t believe us, try drinking a tall glass of warm water every morning for a month, and you will see that natural glow yourself. (And thank us, later!)

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