If You Are Serious about Proposing to Your Bae, Then Maybe Harry is Your Man

The Adore You singer is the latest celeb to help a fan propose amid concert. 

Aug 4, 2022

Love was certainly in the air during the latest Harry Styles gig in Lisbon, Portugal. In the middle of his concert, an audience member asked if he could serenade a few lines for his girlfriend and Harry responded with a few questions at first but then handed over the microphone to the fan, as well as encouraged the crowd to join in the singalong.

The initial reaction from the English singer-songwriter, who is currently on his second concert tour—Love On Tour—across the globe, was interesting indeed as he immediately asked the fan about the duration of his relationship and added that he would not oblige if the fan was not serious enough about his partner. It is only when the fan stated that he had been with his girlfriend for over a year that Harry asked the audience, "Do you get the microphone for (being together) 'a little more than a year'?” and after the crowds responded with an affirmative cheer, Styles was convinced and said, “Yea, alright”, and gave the microphone over to the man.



The fan started singing the evergreen romantic favourite, Can't Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley and Harry encouraged the audience to join in, before running towards the other end of the stage to grab another microphone and singing along enthusiastically himself. This melodious build-up lead to the man getting on one knee and presenting a ring to his girlfriend and popping *the* question, while Styles caught a close-up view of the moment on the big screen on stage. And it was a successful proposal indeed, as the girl replied with an ecstatic “Yes!” and accepted it.

Harry Styles during the recent Love On Tour show in Lisbon. 


This great gesture is certainly not a novel one, as many celebs like Adele, Mariah Carey, and Katy Perry have previously helped their fans seal the deal with their lovers while on stage. Harry too has played matchmaker during one of his own concerts in 2021 previously. While performing in Chicago back then, he stopped the concert abruptly after spotting a fan’s sign that read: “Convince my boyfriend to propose.” Even then, Harry had asked the couple their names and about how long they had been dating. Seems like Harry likes to play his part in helping love win, ~but~ do so consciously.  



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