Cancer Season Keeps Drama TF Out of Your Life

This time's all about feeling supported by your ride-or-dies no matter what.

By Jake Register
Jun 21, 2019

Gemini season has been a month of spilling tea, going out, and feeling just a little bit (okay, a lotta bit) obsessed with only having fun right now. If you’re feeling winded from one of the most socially fast-paced months of the year, Cancer season, starting on June 21, is the pit stop you need to collect yourself and catch your breath…or at least, Cancer season is usually the perfect post-Gemini season recovery period.

It’s normally a slow moving, quiet, and calm time, but not this year—thanks to Mercury Retrograde and two (TWO!) eclipses coming up! Cancers, Scorpios, and Pisces will have the easiest time navigating this Cancer season, while Aries, Libra, and Capricorn better learn to swim before they drown in their feels!

Cancer season 2019 is gonna be a real crab roast, but there are a few upsides. After making tons of new friends during Gemini season, Cancer season’s vibes make you want to cut the small talk and turn casual relationships into something deeper. Cancers are solely motivated by their emotions, so this time of year is when your feelings rule your every move—you’re urged to form deep connections, act with intention, and prioritize safe and stable relationships, so the scatter-brained and flighty vibes of last month are long gone. Venus is still in Gemini, keeping relationships fresh by making sure there’s a steady stream of new friends and first dates, but your biggest focus right now are your best friendships, your family, and, if you're in a relationship, your partner.


Eclipses are the zodiac’s way of pushing you towards your next chapter in life either by taking something away or introducing majorly important opportunities



The Moon represents emotions in astrology, so it makes sense that it’s the ruler of Cancer, the moodiest sign. New Moons and Full Moons are always emotional moments, especially during Cancer season, but this month holds a Solar Eclipse on July 2 and a Lunar Eclipse on July 16, instead of a regular New Moon and Full Moon. With an eclipse, it’s like the Moon is on speed, so you’re chock full of feels. Eclipses are the zodiac’s way of pushing you towards your next chapter in life either by taking something away or introducing majorly important opportunities in the realms of love, friendships, work, or education. You have to take advantage of them fast—or they’ll disappear as quickly as they showed up!

FYI, July 9 and July 14 are two days to especially watch TF out for. On July 9, the Sun in Cancer is opposite Saturn, planet of blockages and restrictions, in Capricorn. This means you feel like you’re being backed into a corner by forces outside of your control and others are walling you in, so expressing yourself and being heard isn’t easy. And on July 14, the Sun is opposite Pluto, planet of destruction and transformation, which brings a totally different but equally difficult vibe. Those walls put up around you by Saturn get ripped down by Pluto and you’re no longer being restricted or held back, but the change in scenery is disorienting and you probably want to crawl back into your shell!

For instance, if your S.O. breaks up with you, look at it as an opportunity to focus on yourself and reclaim your power as an individual. If you miss out on a big promotion (or get laid off) then try to look forward to future opportunities and keep an eye out for a new, better job. If you and your bestie have a falling out, try to view it as a chance to strengthen your bond with your other friends.

You could be feeling like 2007 Britney Spears this month and like you hit rock bottom—but the only way you can go after Cancer season is up!

Saturn may rule blockages, but it also rules responsibility and structure—so when you push through all of the problems you’re facing this month, it becomes experience that you learn and grow from. Pluto rules destruction, but it’s also the planet of rebirth, so after you deal with the BS and whirlpool of feels, you become a totally new person. You could be feeling like 2007 Britney Spears this month and like you hit rock bottom—but the only way you can go after Cancer season is up!

Everyone is just as moody as you are this month, so try not to take anything too personal and lash out with your claws. When the going gets tough, Cancers usually shuffle away from the drama and defend themselves by receding into their shell. It’s the sign of family and domestic life, so staying at home to avoid drama is defs in your favor this month! Get in touch with your family—they’re likely to know exactly what to do or say to make you feel better despite all the hectic happenings. Cancer is associated with art and music, too, so channeling your creative side (or just blasting your favorite Spotify playlist in the car and screaming along to the lyrics) is a great way to deal with the stress of the month.

Above all else, Cancer season will test your perspective and make you realize who or what is most important to you. Are you going to struggle? Oh hell yes—especially with the Mercury Retrograde in July—but these challenges are a one-way ticket to major growth when you work through them! Don’t stress, because with how busy you are this month, it’ll be over in a flash anyway, and you’ll be proud of how great you did.

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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