5 Yoga Asanas That Can Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer

Do these poses daily to build up immunity against breast cancer

Mar 2, 2021

Breast cancer is ranked among the three most common kind of cancer. According to reports submitted by World Health Organisation there are 1.38 million cases of cancer annually out of which around 4,58,000 deaths are caused due to breast cancer. 

Though little tweaks to our lifestyle goes a long way in reducing the risk of breast cancer, yoga can play a big role too. “There are many techniques contained within the realm of yoga that support the body by building up the immune system. This can keep us safe from contracting lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension, cancer and thyroid related problems and more,” says Grand Master Akshar, yoga-preneur and lifestyle coach. He suggests five asanas that you can do daily to curb down on the risk of breast cancer.  

“Practice the following poses by paying careful attention to alignment of the body and hold up to 15 seconds,” he adds. 

Ashwasanchalan variation

Start in Samasthiti standing with your feet together and keep your shoulders relaxed. From here step back with right foot and place the right knee down. Keep your back straight ensuring that your left knee and ankle are aligned at 90°. Join your palms and look ahead. Repeat on the other side.

Shalabasana variation

Lie down flat on your stomach with palms placed under your shoulders. Keep your feet together, and toes outwards. Inhale and lift up the right hand, and left leg behind. Keep them straight, as you lift head and chest up. Exhale as you bring your torso down and repeat on the other side. Hold the pose for 10-15 seconds.

Marjariasana variation

From here, slowly as you inhale lift up the right arm keeping it in line with your shoulder and parallel to the floor. Simultaneously lift up the opposite leg behind you straightening it and aligning it with the pelvis. Balance on your left palm and right knee keeping the neck and head in a relaxed position. Hold the pose for 10-15 seconds, exhale and release. Repeat with the other hand and its opposite leg. 


From your table top position or Marjariasana, gently lift the knees off the floor and straighten them to come into plank position. From here, turn towards your right side balancing on your left Palm and bring your right foot on to your left. Align the heels and toes if possible or you can place your right foot in front of your left thigh for support. Hold the pose for 10-15 seconds, exhale and release. Repeat on the other side.

Twisted cobra pose (Triyaka Bhujangasana)

Lie on your stomach with palms under your shoulders. Keep your feet apart, at a distance of about 2ft, inhale as you lift your head, turn to look over your right shoulder at your left heel and exhale as you bring your torso down. Repeat on the other side.


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