The Organised Girl's Guide to Travelling Smart This Holiday Season

As researched by a very organised girl.

Mar 21, 2018

Let's face it, there is really no happier time than the holidays, especially if you happen to have some fun travel plans lined up.

Travelling to a new and unknown destination can, however, prove to be daunting at times, especially if you are someone who gets worried or anxious easily. Our advice ? A few, well thought out organisational trips can go a long way in improving the quality of your trip.

In fact, studies and research conducted by the Journal of travel research conclude that most travellers, both male and female are more motivated to travel when they have a well planned trip laid out in front of them. Solo, group, family or couple travellers—all benefit greatly by following a some travel tips.

1. Research the weather

With the power of the Internet at our disposal, it is a good idea to research daily high/low temperatures and rain etc. so that you can pack accordingly.

Tip: Carrying multiple layers and a foldable umbrella is always a good idea.

2. Find out about the local language

It may not be necessary that the natives of the place you're visiting understand the language you speak. If not , it is a good idea to download a basic translator app or learn some key words.

3. Make sure you have International data on your phone

Or plan to buy a chip the moment you land. This is extremely important as you may need to use Google maps to find your way around.

4. Figure out the best way to get around

Uber, buses, the tube or walking—figure out the best way to get around and avoid wasting money on expensive local taxis.

5. Make reservations and book tickets in advance

Especially during the holiday season, it's a good idea to book restaurants and special shows and tickets to avoid missing out at the last minute.

6. Read blogs and put up a post on online forums to get suggestions

This is extremely helpful in finding the right things to do as per your likes and dislikes, and not waste time.

7. Don't plan more than one or two major activities a day

The joy of travel is all about giving yourself time to soak it all in. Our advice? Base your day around one day and one night time activity and take your time to discover the rest.

8. Buy travel sized toiletries

That stuff takes up a whole lot of space, so buying travel bottles can really help avoid spillage along with making you travel light.

9. Pack a first-aid kit

You never know when something you eat adversely affects your system, and sometimes finding a chemist and communicating your problem to a local can be daunting, so it's a good idea to carry an SOS kit with you.

and finally...

10. Inform one person about your itinerary and keep them as your SOS contact

A worst case scenario, but important enough to be prepared for. Your travel details and a copy of your important documents should be e-mailed to your emergency contact, in case you end up losing them.

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