11 Things Gay Men Said About Vaginas, Upon Seeing One for the Very First Time~~

That is, after the high-pitched squealing stopped.

Mar 21, 2018

​Following the crazy (no, really, crazy) success of their "Lesbians Touching Penis" video — currently at 24 million views, and still rising like, well, an erection — YouTube duo BriaAndChrissy are back with the flip-side stunt, because that's equality for you! In other words, four gay men get to touch and/or investigate vagina for the first time (after asking politely mind you) and these are some of the things they had to say about it: 

  1. "Oh god."
  2. "Am I like, going it fall into it?"
  3. "I just hope I don't lose a finger."
  4. "I feel like I'm going to, like, smell tuna."
  5. "It looks like a football, what do I do with that?"
  6. "[It looks] like a partially deflated balloon"
  7. "It's like a closet door with some curtains poking out."​
  8. "Oh, there's like, folds"
  9. "Can you keep snacks down here?"
  10. " It feels like I just petted a small animal."​
  11. Then, in conclusion:

  12. "It's really not as terrifying as I was anticipating."

I can't confirm the validity of any of these statements, however, because I'm also a gay man who's never seen a vagina. OK, bye now, here's the video!

[youtube ]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSsu1SFbjO0&feature=youtu.be[/youtube]​

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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