Can You Spot This Letter On Your Palm? If So, You're a Lucky One

It could mean you're "more special than most."

Mar 21, 2018

Quick, turn your hand over and look at the center of your palm–do you see an "M" shape that looks kinda like this?

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If you do, you're in luck, according to the ancient Indian art of Palmistry​. In the book, Karmic Palmistry: Explore Past Lives, Soul Mates, & Karma, author and Palmistry expert Jon Saint-Germain says that the "M" letter is pretty rare, and those who have it are "more special than most." In other words, the marking is thought to be a sign of a bright career future because those who have it are, apparently, very disciplined, smart, and motivated.

Now, before you "M" palmers get too excited, Jon goes on to explain that the positive fortunes of the "M" marking really depend on which hand its on. If you're a right-handed person, you want to have the "M" on your left hand and vice versa.

Of course, this all depends on if you're a firm believer in Palmistry and other foretelling-the-future things. Either way, palm reading does comes in handy when you're in need of a cool party trick (ha, see what I did there?).

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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