A Court has Genuinely Ruled That It's Ok For a Woman to be Fired for Being Too Attractive

Oh, goody.

Mar 21, 2018

​An American court of law has legitimately ruled that it's okay for a woman to be fired for being too attractive, and I can't quite believe what I've just written.

The case of 32-year-old Dilek Edwards​ came to court in Manhattan recently, after the yoga teacher was fired by her chiropractor employer, former Playboy Playmate Stephanie Adams and her husband, Charles Nicolai.

Despite Stephanie being an open lesbian married to a man, she was known to be envious when it came to her husband. So much so, in fact, that Nicolai had warned the young employee his 45-year-old wife "might become jealous" of the young worker because she's "too cute".

And, true to form, Stephanie sent Dilek a text ​saying: "stay the fuck away from my husband and family!!!!!!". Casual approach, then.

Despite Dilek insisting she had only ever engaged in a professional relationship with her male boss, the day after Stephanie sent the text back in October 2013, Dilek was fired.

Naturally, Dilek Edwards then decided to pursue a legal case against her former employees, citing that "firing a woman because of a gender-related aspect of her appearance is unlawful discrimination". She noted that this was because "attractiveness is directly tied to…gender."

And she's right, as far as we can see. When was the last time you hear of a man being fired because he was 'too good looking'?

But the judge, in a pretty shocking outcome, decided against Edwards' claim of gender discrimination. Nothing like a step forward for equality, is there...

The case judge, Judge Shlomo Hagler, noted that the case didn't have any allegations that she was sacked for being a woman.

He said: "With respect to whether appearance can be the basis of a discrimination claim … courts have not found discrimination when the subject conduct or policy was not applied differently to men and women."

He also added that the law doesn't prevent "termination motivated by spousal jealousy alone."

Well that's nice and reassuring, isn't it?

There's a lesson to be learned here, ladies: don't turn up to work looking nice. Because you could get fired and there's nothing you can do about it.

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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