​How Kimojis Could Be Putting You At Risk

Your phone's keyboard could be being tracked.

Mar 21, 2018

We were all pretty excited when we heard about the release of the Kimojis earlier this week. Now we can use Kim's crying face to perfectly sum up how we feel when we get another pair of novelty socks from Gran this Christmas.

But what is the app actually doing to our phones? Apparently, not much good. (Perfect timing for a crying Kim here, too.)

The Kimoji app, available from the Apple App store , is apparently able to track what you type on your keyboard. That's everything from messages and passwords to bank details.

And it's not even the information we'll type in our keyboards since we have downloaded the app that's not protected, it can also collect the information we have typed in our phones in the past.

The app does warn users that, 'Full access allows the developer of this keyboard to transmit anything you type, including things you have previously typed with this keyboard. This could include sensitive information like your credit card number or street address.'

The app has received some bad reviews on the App store with users highlighting some other glitches including keyboards disappearing.

But, fear not, Kim has insisted that she's working on it or, much more likely, her team of techies are.

So hopefully there can still be a Kimoji Christmas yet. Vibes.

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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