This Math Problem for 7-Year-Olds Is Going Viral Because No One Can Figure It Out

The limit does not exist after all.

Mar 21, 2018

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U.K. mom Louise Bloxham tweeted the above photo from a year 2 (second grade-equivalent) standard assessment test. In response, hundreds of grown people began arguing about the answer.

The answer is two, they said. No, the answer is 46, others insisted. No, the answer is zero, more fought, as obviously there are no people on the train in the first place!!! Also, it's a trick question. Did you even count the conductor? Did you?? Did the children whose question this was in the first place count the conductor? Should they have had to?? What is wrong with society, man?!

While there's no definitive response from Bloxham, a commenter on the Parents Against Primary Testing page wrote, "The published answer for this is 65, so continue debating whether this is too hard."

Agreed with him. Life is too short to argue about math of all things. Also, the answer is totally 65.

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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