Pick the Best Diet Plan For You and Lose 5 KILOS!

Struggling to get to grips with your new diet plan? Here's the one you'll stick to!

Mar 21, 2018

Want to lose those wobbly bits in time for summer? Picking the right diet can often be the hardest part. How do you know which one will work for you before you've tried it? You don't want to risk falling at the first hurdle if you choose a weight loss plan that you hate! But if you do decide on one that's not quite right, don't be scared to switch to an alternative. 

Whether you want whittle down your waist or perfect your pins, we bring you the best diet plans around, to help you decide which diet is best for you. You are welcome. 

The 2-day Diet Plan

Lose weight and reduce your risk of breast cancer with the 2-day diet healthy eating plan. By eating low-calorie meals for just 2 days each week you can lose around one kg a week. 

The Harcombe Diet

Eat what you want, when you want. And lose weight too? This is a diet plan we can get on board with! 

​Rick Hay's Anti-Ageing Diet plan

Combine Rick Hay's clever healthy eating plan – which includes tasty stir-fries, omelettes, grilled fish, salads, soups and more – together with his simple HIIT exercise plan, and you could drop a dress size before you know it. Oh and did we mention that this is the diet that Sarah Parish swears by? 

The Real Meal Revolution High-Fat Diet

With bacon and eggs on the menu, who wouldn't want to get stuck into this hearty and delicious diet plan? Remember all those fatty foods we've been told over the years to avoid? Well The Real Meal Revolution allows you to eat all of them. We're talking butter, cream, sausage, bacon, eggs, cheese —​ you name, all the good stuff's on there. It's a low-carb and low-sugar diet plan, so you will have to sacrifice somewhat, but for a morning fry-up, we think it's more than worth it. 

The Seven-Day GI Diet plan

Seven days of delicious low-GI diet recipes that will keep you fuller for longer and help you lose weight. Win, win! 

The Anti-Cellulite Diet

A brilliant diet designed to beat dimpled, orange peel skin that so many of us suffer with. This 14-day anti-cellulite plan will smooth your legs and help you lose around 3 kgs. 

The 'Diet by Numbers' weight loss plan

Count your way to smaller waistline by following these 10 simple steps. And you'll feel much healthier too!

The Cake Cleanse Diet

Yes we really did say cake cleanse! You can literally have your cake and eat it with this 4-week healthy programme. 

The Breast Cancer Cookbook

A flurry of healthy recipes that claim to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. And with coconut fish curry, who are we to argue? 

The Blood Group Diet

Understanding what blood group you are could have a significant effect on how much weight you can lose, according to ​experts. If you eat the right foods for your blood type you will be less likely to put on weight, so it's all about understanding what foods are right for you. Oh and it will also help to ward off illness too! 

The Age-Defying Diet plan

A diet plan that targets changing hormones to make you look younger. It claims to outsmart the body's natural ageing process, and reverse your metabolic clock by targeting your changing hormones​​. This a diet made up of rich proteins like meat, fish and poultry as well as high fibre foods to boost metabolism. 

The Sirtfood Diet (a.k.a. the chocolate and red wine diet!)

There are very few diets that allow a glass of Merlot or a bar of Dairy Milk, but good news —​ this glorious diet allows you to do both! The Sirtfood Diet includes sirtuin-rich foods like red wine, chocolate, capers and blueberries, that work to ward off illness and help with weight loss​. Win-win! 

Dr Dawn's Bikini Body Bread Diet

A 7-day diet plan designed to give your body the energy it needs to power through your workout session, and keep you full!

The Raw Food Diet

Not for the fainthearted of dieters, this really does what it says on the tin. But, according to  Deborah Durrant, author of the Raw Food Diet, eating raw foods will fill you up quicker and you should start to notice a real improvement in vitality, skin and hair too. 

The Anti-IBS Eating plan

If you suffer with IBS, you'll know only too well what a pain — quite literally — it can be eating certain foods. This clever seven-day eating plan has been designed to target 'trigger' foods that will make the condition worse. 

Lose 10lbs in one month with the Sugar-Free Diet​

This sugar-free diet is packed full of hearty, satisfying breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks, but the minute you cut out the sweet stuff, you'll see those stubborn pounds fall off once and for all.​

The Seven-Day GI Diet plan

Sticking to low-glycaemic index (GI) foods will take control of your blood sugars, avoiding dramatic sugar spikes that make you hungry. Low-GI foods will fill you up substantially by allowing your body to digest at a slow, steady rate, stopping you from putting on weight. Low-GI foods may also help to prevent the early onset of illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease. 


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