These Illustrations Show What Women Do When No One Is Watching

An Instagram for all the lovely little moments you'd never Instagram.

Mar 21, 2018

The best and most fun parts of being a girl almost all take place when we get to be alone and are free to lounge about without worrying about anyone looking at us and judging us for eating a third slice of cold pizza (for breakfast). It's all the behind-the-scenes stuff of being a person, but because women are held to some bullshit higher standard, we're supposed to keep it all a secret. 

Sally Nixon, an illustrator based in Little Rock, Arkansas, is making all those little moments of peace and quiet where we're hanging out with a book and a bag of chips a lot more public with her illustrations, many of which show girls and women doing everyday things in everyday places. The result is a portfolio (and Instagram account) full of pictures that probably remind you a lot of your daily life, and it's all very relatable, very cute, and very endearing.

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"The women I draw come from my imagination for the most part, however, each of them, in one way or another, is a reflection of my personality," Nixon recently told Vice's Creators Project. "They don't have perfect bodies or perfect habits and that makes them relatable. The scenes I create around them are everyday places: a bathroom, a restaurant, a messy bedroom. However my goal with each drawing is to elevate the seemingly mundane to something special and worthy of being viewed."​

With her illustrations, Nixon makes those "seemingly mundane" things look really cozy and great — whether it's a woman painting her nails at a kitchen table, eating peanut butter from the jar, or drinking a nice glass of chocolate milk. 

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You can see the rest of Nixon's drawings on her Instagram or her personal website. Surely you'll find a little bit of yourself in at least one of them. 

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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