This is What Happens to Your Body if You Don't Drink Water

Drink up people!

Mar 21, 2018

All of us know how important it is to keep our bodies hydrated, but do we really know the effects of not drinking enough water?


A new video from TED-Ed, an online library of educational videos, describes the bodily process of dehydration, and it has us reaching for our water bottle.

Because yes, while we were well aware that not drinking the recommend amount a day (2.5 to 3.7 litres of water for men, and 2 to 2.7 for women) can leave us feeling tired, and with headaches – we weren't quite aware the extent of its damage. 


60% of the average human body is made up of water, with three-quarters of the brain, 83% of lungs and 31% of bones containing H2O. This means that our bodies rely on hydration to function.



But who knew that when your body is dehydrated your brain could actually shrink? Yep, when your body is dehydrated, your brain activates a sort of coping mechanism, to help you maintain function. So if you don't drink for days, you will eventually die.


As well as this, sensory receptors in our noggins release an antidiuretic hormone when our bodies are dehydrated that triggers the kidneys to release aquaporins, special channels that allow blood to retain more water. This means that your body stops water leaving your body, which is why your urine is darker.


As well as this, dehydration can cause mood swings, loss of skin moisture, lower cognitive function and fatigue.


So up your water intake, especially in the warmer months, to maintain your weight, keep your mind clear and stay energised throughout the day!

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Via Good Housekeeping

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