Why a Messy Bedroom is Bad For You

And it's proved!!

Mar 21, 2018

Ah, bedrooms. Places to unwind, kick-back, de-stress and rest. There might be a little clutter here and there, piles of laundry not yet put away, shoes scattered on the floor, but that never hurt anyone, right?

Well, wrong, according to a study by New York's St. Lawrence University. In fact, if you have a messy bedroom, you're more likely to get a poorer nights sleep and increased anxiety.

(Not even lavender is going to help this one).  

The interesting study found that people who have clutter taking up space in their bedrooms, will actually take longer to fall asleep than those with clean and tidy rooms. Meaning less sleep.

Subsequently, the more tired you are, the less likely you are to tidy the next day and so on. Leading to a build up of sleep deprivation and a bedroom which seems uninviting and stressful to be in. 

A psychologist at the university, Dr Pamela Thacher, told the Metro, 'Hoarders typically have problems with decision making and executive function; poor sleep is known to compromise cognition generally.'

'So if hoarders have cluttered or unusable bedrooms, and less comfortable, functional beds, any existing risk for cognitive dysfunction, depression and stress may increase as sleep quality worsens.'


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