This Common Sex Position is Actually a Lot More Dangerous Than You Think

You going on top might not be such a great idea.

Mar 21, 2018

​We all know it's great to experiment with alternative sex positions, but it turns out the Kama Sutra might be more of a minefield than we'd first thought. Because one sex position in particular has been proven to actually be quite dangerous.

In a study conducted by Ann Summers, it was discovered that the woman going on top during sex is the favourite position for 23% of the British popuation (it's our second favourite, actually, after doggy style). Which is quite problematic, really, when you consider it's also the most common position to cause a sex injury.

Or more specifically: a fractured penis. Ouch.

According to research published in the ​Advances in Urology ​journal, "when a woman is on top she usually controls the movement with her entire body weight landing on the erect penis." Well, when you put it like that it sounds like an accident waiting to happen.

Most injuries occur as a result of the man "not being able to interrupt it when the penis suffers a wrong way penetration... The harm is usually minor in a woman with no pain, but major in the penis."

So we carry on riding that wave, while he's sat there not being able to utter even a squeak he's in so much pain, and simultaneously not being able to get us to stop.

When he controls the movement, however, he can feel when things are getting too rough for him down below and stop it before literal tragedy strikes. Because really, it is a tragedy when a penis gets fractured. You only have to read this horror story to know that.

I quote from our very own story:

"The man in question had been enjoying some "vigorous sex" when he heard "a snapping sound". The report sympathetically notes that the patient felt "severe pain and lost tumescence" which, for anyone not down with medical speak (I had to google it) means he lost his boner. Funny, that. I think I'd probably lose my boner too if my penis had just snapped in half."

So basically, stay vigilant people. You might enjoy going on top every now and then, but don't enjoy it ​too ​much that you get carried away and break his poor cock. Life lessons.

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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