A Man Documented His Disastrous Date to His Mates Over Whatsapp and it's Gone Viral


Mar 21, 2018

When a first date isn't going well, it's hard to retrieve it. So it might not have been the ​best ​idea to start live-Whatsapping your mates in a group chat about it.

And it's even less of a great idea when the whole conversation (with added videos for good measure) goes viral. But it has, because it's kind of hilarious.

The guy in question started off by telling his friends the date was "going down faster than the Titanic," sending a photo of his uninterested-looking date engrossed in her phone. So his friends decided to have some fun, challenging him to do all sorts of stuff to piss her off.

And, needless to say, it didn't go down very well...

Take it there was no second date, then?

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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