10 Tragic Texts That Prove You Should NEVER Message Your Ex

Step away from the phone.

Mar 21, 2018

​One of the hardest things during a break-up can be keeping your bloody mouth shut. There's so much to say (how much of a dickhead they are, for example) but often we realise, with hindsight, it was probably best to just stay quiet.

But if you're still in need of convincing that it's ​not ​the best course of action to send infuriated, emotive texts to your former partner, then have a quick scroll through these.

The 'Texts From Your Ex' Instagram account posts some of the most tragic examples of why any sort of mobile phone-based communication with someone you used to exchange bodily fluids with, just isn't worth it. It's a danger zone.

1. Do your research

[instagram ]https://instagram.com/p/BBnbO_qtpoi/[/instagram]

2. Don't try to be smart

[instagram ]https://instagram.com/p/BCGtNdXtphk/[/instagram]

3. Seriously, don't bother

[instagram ]https://instagram.com/p/_9t5Prtpm8/[/instagram]

4. You'll only get shut down

[instagram ]https://instagram.com/p/BBA51SiNpig/[/instagram]

5. You'll speak before you think

[instagram ]https://instagram.com/p/BA-o3F2NppC/[/instagram]

6. And it'll end badly

[instagram ]https://instagram.com/p/BAfOaLNNplx/[/instagram]

7. Don't be bitter

[instagram ]https://instagram.com/p/BAOJZ2RtpjP/[/instagram]

8. Be better

[instagram ]https://instagram.com/p/_3cCtVtps1/[/instagram]

9. It's not worth it

[instagram ]https://instagram.com/p/-UwwTpNpu6/[/instagram]

10. You'll just get hurt

[instagram ]https://instagram.com/p/-jtfRDtprR/[/instagram]


Now PLEASE tell me you're convinced. Put the phone down.

Follow Cat on Twitter.

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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