13 Things You Should Know Before Dating a Girl Who Blogs

Other than the fact we MIGHT have written about you…

Mar 21, 2018

1. We won't let you read our work. But we want to know that you want to read our work. We're craving that more than all the likes.

2. We love to text long. Come on, words are our thing. Everyone enjoys an essay reply at 8am, right?

3. We'll say we have deadlines to get out of stuff. But the truth is we've run out of clean floor space for framing our Instagrams, haven't had time to tackle the dishes for the past week, and a night in washing out our dry shampoo just sounds like heaven.

4. If we get free tickets to something cool, we'll probably try turning it into a date. Yes we're trying desperately hard to impress you, but hey, we're still chill… 

5. We'll act annoyed when you do finally read our work. But then spend the entire next day trying to casually bring it up…

6. We know loads of other bloggers… And yes, we like to think we're better writers than the lot of them, but don't ever diss her post. We might only talk to her on Twitter, but we've got that girl's back!

7. You'll get a lot of free booze. There's always a launch party, networking event or bloggers gathering that we'll need a plus one for. And yes, there's always free prosecco at these things. Draught beer might be tough though... sorry.

8. We don't want to hear about that amazing post you read the other day. But yes, we want you to WhatsApp us the link, so we can read up on our competition. Quickly!

9. Our mobile's battery life is directly connected to our mood. No we're not scrolling Twitter and Instagram for fun, this is research! Don't expect us to move more than three feet from a plug socket if we're dipping below that crucial 20% mark.

10. If we're still together on your birthday, we'll be writing a post on that aftershave, you just happen to love. Because you know, we live off freebies.

11. Yes we spent the entire day in our pyjamas covered in biscuit crumbs. Because we can't all afford to constantly work in that artisan coffee shop round the corner.

12. We're generally pretty confident. Independence and self-belief are our thing.

13. We've probably considered dating that Twitter fan you feel weird about. But don't worry, after he retweeted that awkward blog post about the date, we also feel weird about him.

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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