Here's Everything You Ever Needed to Know About Vaginal Dryness

Will my vagina challenge the Sahara forever?!?! (Hopefully not.)

21 March, 2018
Here's Everything You Ever Needed to Know About Vaginal Dryness

Nobody really wants to own up to having a dry vagina — a phrase that elicits images of a barren land beneath your belly button where you'll find a wrinkly prune for parts. But you shouldn't feel shy about the fact that you're dry. Vaginal dryness happens, and it can happen to anyone at any time (yes, even when you're about to get busy with your partner and super into it). And, annoyingly, it can make amazing sex feel really painful.

If you're suffering from a bit of a dry spell down there, fear not — you can remedy the drought.

What Exactly Is It?

"Vaginal dryness is a sensation women can feel when they have decreased moisture or lubrication in the vaginal area," says Kathryn Witzeman, M.D., an ob/gyn at Denver Health Medical Center. It's a pretty common problem to have, and can lead to tenderness or irritation, or it might cause the feeling that the tissues in the vaginal area are sticking together.

The less clinical version: It's when your vagina rivals the Sahara.

What Causes It?

While vaginal dryness can strike anytime, it's often thought of as something that happens during sex. And the explanation that immediately comes to mind: Am I not turned on by my partner?! (And nobody wants the Dry Vagina Monologues when you're thinking Magic Mike). Not true — well, not necessarily. If the person isn't giving your body what you need and is incapable of turning you on, technically, yes, that can lead to vaginal dryness. But often, that's not the case. Things can be hot, heavy — and dry.

Why? Because vaginal dryness isn't strictly a sex problem. In reality, it's typically due to low estrogen, Witzeman says. Here's how it works: To keep things comfortable and reduce friction, the vagina is lined with a clear layer of fluid that is maintained by estrogen. Whenever estrogen levels drop, so does the amount of moisture down there. So you can blame it on hormones, not your husband.

There are times when women are more susceptible to their hormone levels taking a nosedive. The most common: when breastfeeding, while using oral contraceptives, while taking anti-estrogenic medications for certain medical conditions, and, yes, during perimenopause and menopause, Witzeman says.

Outside of that, if you're always using fragrant soaps, feminine sprays or douching, that can also lead to irritation that may dry you out.

How Do You Fix It?

Your vagina won't be dehydrated forever. "Adding a bit of estrogen in the form of a cream is very effective," Witzeman says. However, if it's something that usually appears during sex, lube is helpful. Just make sure you use a water- or silicone-based one, as anything with parabens or warming agents can cause additional irritation. (There are many lubes out there to choose from, based on your needs and preferences!)

It may be a one-time thing that responds quickly to treatment, or it may be a chronic issue that pops up every now and then.

What Makes It Even Worse?

While things are on the mend, keep in mind that certain things like tight clothing, thongs, sex without lubrication, or any activity that causes friction in that area, like riding a bike, can agitate it, Witzeman says.

What If It Doesn't Go Away?

If you've been diligent in your use of creams and lubricants and the problem persists, you should talk to your doctor. Also, if the dryness is ever accompanied with foul-smelling discharge, bumps or sores, abnormal bleeding, or persistent pain, Witzeman advises making a gyno appointment.


Credit: Cosmopolitan