I Tried a New Shampoo and Here’s What I Lost Forever…

Makeup? Check! Outfit? Check! Shoes? Check! Hair???

Apr 12, 2018

It's weird how a bad hair day has the power to overshadow all other good things happening to me. Even a hundred likes on my latest #shoefie post wouldn’t help me not get distracted by those rebelling strands of hair that made it their life's mission to 'standout'. I used to spend all my time looking for solutions to combat my hair woes, especially this​ recurring, notorious dandruff. However, my quest for the perfect hair-care product resulted in a loss that I’ll never forget.

After a LOT of hits and misses, I found a shampoo that made me lose something. Forever.​ One visit to my dermatologist was all it took to get PURE DERM - the newest anti-dandruff shampoo in town. He claimed it was clinically proven to get rid of dandruff but after my series of misses, I wasn’t so sure. I still gave it a shot.

This shampoo made me lose so much! Yes! For starters, the absence of perpetually present broken strands of hair on my pillow shocked me! And that's not it. After a rough day at work, I ran my fingers through my hair to get another shocker. There was NO EXCESS OIL on my scalp. I repeat, non-greasy scalp at the end of an entire day! What was happening to me?

In a few weeks’ time, I found my shower​ drains absolutely free from clogged hair- a phenomenon as unheard of, for me, as is the sun rising in the west. It was getting clearer now- I was putting two and two together. But, when I lost ​this thing, that I never thought I would, I became sure that I had found THE ONE.

I woke up one fine morning to find out that I had NO DANDRUFF! Not a speck! Since I do not have a fairy godmother to take care of my hair woes, I knew this was the magic of Pure Derm. Woah! My hair felt so smooth and healthy, unlike anything that I had experienced with other anti-dandruff shampoos. I wasn't afraid to wear the universally flattering black colour anymore, which, by the way, now dominates my wardrobe.

The everyday battle of taming my mane and hiding the gross pixie dust aka dandruff, that was dredged on my scalp is not an issue for me anymore. It's amazing how this shampoo is fighting dandruff, thereby making my scalp squeaky clean​ and, as a bonus, banishing acne as well. It was everything I was looking for and more.​

With Pure Derm, I broke the vicious cycle of finding another compatible hair care product, getting my hopes high and then encountering a royal disappointment. My dandruff disappeared, never to come back again. And so,​ my quest to find the perfect hair care product ends here. On one hand I found the perfect saviour ​for my hair and on the other hand, I lost something- the fear of shedding my precious locks and the tension of spotting dandruff on my black outfits. I lost all my doubts and regained the confidence that came with my stronger, healthier hair.

Whether it's about leaning on bae's shoulder or donning several hairstyles for bestie's wedding, I'm so ready for any challenge now. Bring it on!


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