Woman Paints the Mona Lisa on Her Face Using Make-Up

We've never seen ANYTHING like it!

Mar 21, 2018

​Reckon' you've got great makeup skills? Well, think again, because British makeup artist Lisa Houghton has just painted the Mona Lisa on her face using MAKEUP. Yes, you heard correctly! 

I mean, we've only just managed to master contour and highlight, let alone a Leonardo da Vinci masterpiece. But what Lisa creates is basically fine art for your face:

[instagram ]https://instagram.com/p/8EN7lBuoz2/?taken-by=lisahoughton&hl=en[/instagram]​

The makeup artist, who has worked with celebrities like Amber Heard and Lily Aldridge, is clearly very talented. In her 15 second Insta-vid, Lisa uses various small makeup brushes to recreate the intricate painting on her face. Attention to detail, a fine hand, and LOTS of patience are required for this look. 

[instagram ]https://instagram.com/p/BBc7L3juo19/?taken-by=lisahoughton&hl=en[/instagram]​

We're ​totally​ mind-blown by the final result. She even painted the background!

Honestly, we're in awe of Lisa's ​amazing​ makeup skills. Forget going to Paris to see the Mona Lisa in real life, we'll just watch her video from the comfort of our own home!

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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