Here's a Breakdown of What Happened to Cause That Huge Oscars Mix-Up

At least, from what we can tell so far.

Mar 21, 2018

In quite possibly one of the biggest mix-ups in award show history, presenters Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway accidentally declared the wrong winner for Best Picture at the Oscars on Sunday night, naming La La Land instead of Moonlight.

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It was an unprecedented mistake that left everyone totally floored — and many are still trying to figure out what the hell happened. Based on the evidence available so far, it appears that Beatty and Dunaway were given the incorrect envelope before taking the stage, a story Beatty later confirmed while trying to explain the mix-up.

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As a few internet sleuths have pointed out, the envelope in Beatty's hand read "Actress in a Leading Role," which was awarded to Emma Stone for La La Land — and explains why when he showed the card to Dunaway, she read the film's name aloud.

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Further footage shows Beatty looking visibly confused by the card in the envelope, and a few people even noticed him say to Dunaway "it says Emma Stone" while the La La Land crew began to celebrate.

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However, as Stone later stated backstage after the award show, she was in possession of the card which declared her the winner — because presenter Leonardo DiCaprio had given it to her.

"I also was holding my Best Actress in a Leading Role card that entire time," she said. "So whatever story... I don't mean to start stuff, but whatever story that was, I had that card. So I'm not sure that happened."

Photos of Stone and DiCaprio confirm her version of things, and show her holding the red envelope backstage.

So how is it possible that Beatty also had the envelope? As it turns out, there are two copies of winning envelopes created every year. Earlier this month, Brian Cullinan and Martha Ruiz — partners at the professional services firm PricewaterhouseCoopers — revealed in an interview that they're the two people who get to know the winners of the Oscars before anyone else.

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"The producers decide what the order of the awards will be," Cullinan told Medium. "We each have a full set. I have all 24 envelopes in my briefcase; Martha has all 24 in hers. We stand on opposite sides of the stage, right off-screen, for the entire evening, and we each hand the respective envelope to the presenter. It doesn't sound very complicated, but you have to make sure you're giving the presenter the right envelope."

Because DiCaprio presented the award for Best Actress alone, that means either Cullinan or Ruiz still had their copy of the envelope for that award — and somehow, it ended up in Beatty's hands when he was announcing Best Picture. It's not clear at this time who put it there, but at least it explains how such a monumental mistake could be possible.

As People reports, the crew backstage seemed to further confirm the whole thing wasn't Beatty's fault, and that he was definitely in possession of the wrong envelope:

As the drama unfolded, Beatty walked off stage clutching the envelope. "Warren Beatty won't give up the envelope! Security is coming," one person says. Someone asks Beatty if he's okay — he walks ahead and holds the envelope. Faye Dunaway appears totally upbeat and goes over what happened with a friend, and says something about seeing Emma Stone's name on the card.

The mystery continues.

Follow Gina on Twitter.

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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