“My Top Rules for a Great Relationship” By Shilpa Shetty

We got the gorgeous actress and blissfully wed Mrs. K to share her secrets on living happily-ever-after. Prepare to take notes, girls...

Aug 2, 2018

RULE 1 “Make an effort to look good”
“It’s a simple rule. Keep looking good, this keeps your man interested in you and he’ll be less tempted to look outside the relationship.”

RULE 2 “Focus more on the positives and less on the negatives”
“This is my mantra in life, I have always focused on the positives, leaving no time for negativity in my life.”

RULE 3 “Communication really is key”
“Men hate talking about things. But talking is important. Most men (and some women) think that keeping their thoughts and feelings pent up is the best way to go about things. But this is not healthy, ’cause suddenly you’ll erupt like a volcano, and it’ll be nasty. It’s best to communicate with your partner at that point, whatever the issue is, and not let it build up.” 

RULE 4 “Never go to sleep angry or upset”
“I try to follow this rule, but sometimes it’s just not possible, and I do go to sleep angry. But then you wake up the next morning and regret it.”

RULE 5 “Respect, respect, respect...”
“Very important. I’ve always believed that in any relationship, whether it’s between husband and wife, siblings, friends or colleagues, you have to have respect, and love only comes after that.”

RULE 6 “Do give each other some space...”
“...But not too much! It’s important to do your own thing once in a while, but if either partner asks for too much space, then they shouldn’t be in a relationship to begin with.”

RULE 7 Compliment often
“Praise makes people feel good, so don’t shy away from complimenting him. Again, make an effort to look good for your partner so he can return the favour.”

RULE 8 “Dont sulk (all the time)”
“It’s normal to sulk occasionally. But the important thing is to get over it quickly, and not keep thinking about it. Try talking out problems instead.”

RULE 9 “Fight Fair”
It’s only fair that you fight fair. Namecalling, twisting facts, and bringing up old issues only makes things worse. This applies to any relationship.”

RULE 10 “Play games but don’t play ‘games’”
Restrict your games to Angry Birds and Scrabble (we play a lot of both!) but don’t play with your relationship.

RULE 11 “Be honest (nearly) everytime!”
You should be honest. I’m usually a very honest person but be smart about it else you might hurt someone.

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