Priyanka Chopra Just Revealed the Moment She Considered Her Relationship Official

"You're single until you're married." 

Nov 2, 2018

With every passing day, we're discovering more heartwarming details about Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas's relationship, and we can't help but root for them more! 


So, keeping with the ongoing revelations, in a recent interview with People Magazine, PC shared the moment she felt her relationship with Nick was 'official' in her mind. "There was a ring on it! I always said that when there’s a ring on it I’ll talk about it because you’re single until you’re married," she said. 



So basically, until Nick proposed, she didn't know if it was legit or not — sounds a bit extreme, right? But she had an explanation for that as well: "Especially in entertainment because women have such public lives, we always end up being reduced to a plus one or ‘blahblahblah’s’ girlfriend. And I wanted to give myself enough time where I’m able to stand on my own two feet and have my identity as well," she said.  

Makes sense, right? 

H/T: Miss Malini

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