Why Leonardo DiCaprio Could be Banned from Indonesia

No dreamy beach retreats in Bali for YOU, Leo.

Mar 21, 2018

​It's going to be a bit of a ball ache for Leo if he'd just so happened to book a holiday to Bali this summer, because word on the street is that he could be banned from Indonesia. Oh Leo, what have you done now?

Actually, nothing that bad (from where we're standing). He's just been a bit too free with his opinions on the country's palm oil industry​.

The ​Revenant ​actor recently visited Gunung Leuser National Park in northern Sumatra, Indonesia, when he posted a pretty opinionated Instagram.

[instagram ]https://www.instagram.com/p/BDix9yeqxBe/[/instagram]​

In the post, he asserts that "Palm Oil expansion is destroying this unique place. Now is the time to save the Leuser Ecosystem." 

[instagram ]https://www.instagram.com/p/BDhLEyLKxKm/[/instagram]​ 

[instagram ]https://www.instagram.com/p/BDnqlfsqxCs/[/instagram] 

In another upload, Leonardo suggested that endangered species of the elephant was at risk because the industry and the expansion of palm oil plantations is "cutting off key elephant migratory corridors, making it more difficult for elephant families to find adequate sources of food and water."

But his posts seriously pissed off the Indonesian government, who even went so far as to say that his comments could warrant a ban from the country. Awkward, seeing as he's there ​right now.

"If DiCaprio's posting in his social media can be categorised as incitement or provocation, we can blacklist him from coming back to Indonesia," spokesperson Heru Santoso said.

Really, we guess it's no surprise that Leo's views have landed him in hot water, because we all know how passionate the actor is about climate change and environmental issues. He even dedicated his one and only Oscar winning speech to the cause, for pete's sake. 

But here's hoping the country won't punish him ​that ​harshly for simply caring about the environment. God, he's got a heart of gold.

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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