35 Best New Overheards From New York Fashion Week

"That front row is proof that her clothes don't look good on anyone."

Mar 21, 2018

It might be New York Fashion Week, but ain't nobody talkin' about the clothes on the runway. 

1. ​"I wonder who they are all taking pictures of."

"Just some stupid fucking blogger with no talent who's never done any real work in her stupid fucking life."

2. "That's not Leah Remini; that's Naya Rivera."​

​3. "That outfit! It's like he's just completely given up on ever having sex."

"Sex he doesn't have to pay for, you mean." 

​4. "Of course, my Instagram is all fashion and porn."

​5. "I'm crying on the inside."

​6. "Unless you've got vodka in one pocket and Xanax in the other, you can't help me."

​7. "Werk the trashcan! Werk! Werk!"

​8. "It never looks that good when a bird shits in my hair."

​9. "Did I ever tell you that striper reached out to me again?"

10. "I hope she gets hit by a car and a photographer is there to catch it."

"I'd click on that."

11. "Why are my balls a constant topic of conversation for you people?"

​12. "She can only speak in fortune cookie-isms."

​13. "It's our fuck-aversary." 

​14. "Please don't throw yourself off a bridge."

"I might."

​15. "Would it make you proud if I banged a Bachelor?" 

"Oh, absolutely!"

16. "These people want to be famous, so they have to talk to us."

17. "We are just the most!"

"The most desperate."

18. "They're all monsters."

19. "She just needs to get laid."

"There aren't enough plastic surgeons in the world."

20. "That front row is proof that her clothes don't look good on anyone."

21. "People only like her because they're too lazy to commit to their own eating disorders."

22. "I love that show. It's always the best in the most spectacularly whorey way."

23. "I could do that. I could put cocks on things."

24. "Her face is at least 50 percent fillers."

​25. "I lube my lips like I lube my asshole."

26. "I burned my tampon"

"No one cares."

27. "What was she inspired by? Bed Bath and Beyond?"

28. "This could be our Sharknado."

29. "They're showing the collection in some big glass box.""Wow. Boxy clothes in a boxy space. How revolutionary!"

30. "You're so cranky and middle aged.""Yeah. Pretty much."

31. "You don't understand man-bangs. Respect the layers!"

32. "I'm dyslexic, but whimsical."

33. "Ow! My face!"

34. "If you feel ready you can come into my body."

35. "I don't believe in 'friendships.'"

Follow Charles on Twitter and Instagram.

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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