10 Ways You're Giving Other People Too Much Power Over You

You only have so much time and energy...don't let others take it away.

Jun 29, 2018

It's something we all do at times. Maybe you let your co-worker's bad mood ruin your day. Or perhaps, you let a friend's criticism make you feel bad about yourself.

Lets face it, any time you allow someone else to have a negative influence over the way you think, feel, or behave, you give them power over your life.

Now, you may ask why this is so harmful. Isn't it natural to let people have an effect on you, especially those that you care about?

But, here's the catch. It will rob you off the mental strength you need to reach your greatest potential.

According to Amy Morin, Mental Strength Trainer and  Author of the bestselling book, 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do, it's obvious sometimes when you give up your power.

Losing your cool and doing something you regret is one example. But, it's also possible to give up your power in more subtle ways that you don't even realise are affecting your life in the long run.

Here are 10 ways you might be giving away your personal power without even realising.

1. You give in to guilt trips:

If people can emotionally blackmail and manipulate you into doing something you don't want to, you are giving them way too much of a hold over you, and for all the wrong reasons.

2. You allow someone else's opinion to dictate your self-worth.

Some people like you and some people don't. Others will not agree with the way you live your life, and that's ok! Feeling bad about what someone else thinks about you gives them way too much of power over your life. Just live life on your own terms, you will be much happier, we can assure you that.

3. You don't establish healthy boundaries.

 You decide who to allow into your life. If you grow resentful of people who take up too much of your energy, it's a sign you aren't setting clear boundaries. Establish clear physical, emotional, and financial boundaries.

4. You complain about all the things you have to do.

Here's a newsflash for you. YOU get to choose what to do with your time. You aren't forced to go to work, see a friend, or attend a family gathering. There will be consequences if you don't do some of those things, but they're still your choices to make.

5. You hold grudges.

A grudge won't diminish the other person's life, but it can wreak havoc on your own. Holding on to anger from the past allows an individual to occupy space in your life. That's not to say you need to allow toxic people into your life--you shouldn't. Just don't waste your mental resources on them.

6. You question your goals due to rejection.

Giving up after being rejected gives an individual the power to determine what you'll do with your life. Whether you got passed up for a promotion or stood up on a date, don't give up. Just because other people don't recognize your potential doesn't mean you can't succeed.

7. You set out to prove another person wrong or prove a point.

When someone doubts you, it can be tempting to set out to prove them wrong. Make sure your purpose is about your desire to succeed, not about convincing people that you're more valuable than they gave you credit for.

8.You let other people bring out your worst side.

Not everybody can always be a positive influence.You're going to run into people who have the ability to bring out the worst in you. These individuals may provoke you to say things you regret or pressure you to do things you wouldn't normally do.

Stay true to your values and refuse to let others have a negative influence on you.

9. You spend time and energy on people that you don't like 

Every minute you spend thinking about someone you don't like, or complaining about someone you don't want to be around, is 60 more seconds you give that person. Dwelling on negative people allows them power over your mind.

and finally...

10. You let people's criticism affect how hard you work.

Feedback from others can be instrumental in helping you become your best. If you value other people's input too much, however, you may avoid doing anything that could lead to criticism. It's impossible to live your best life when you're focused on pleasing people.

How to take back your power:

If you notice that you're giving away your power, you're not alone. Everyone does it sometimes. The good news is, it's never too late to start taking back your power.

Firstly, decide to become the one making all the decisions in your life. Make a conscious effort to stay in control of how you think, feel, and behave and you'll help you build mental strength and uncover your hidden and greatest potential.

Trust us, you got this. Time to start reclaiming your life RN.

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