10 Fitness Trends That Need to Die in 2017

✌️ out, you won't be missed.

Mar 21, 2018

Although loving your body is always in style, techniques for making the most of what you've got tend to come and go. The good news is that if a trend doesn't last, it probably wasn't safe or effective to begin with. Here are the fitness trends that are due to fizzle out in 2017:

1. Waist Trainers

[instagram align='center' id='_cO2GUE1mD']https://www.instagram.com/p/_cO2GUE1mD[/instagram]

Although waist-training sounds like a Hardcore Exercise, the corset-like suit does't do much to change your shape after you take it off. Customers who were duped by the Kardashians' heartfelt reviews of the product organized a class-action lawsuit against their favorite waist trainer brand for being a *waist* of money and time. (And perhaps why the Kardashian women have tapered off on posting promotional pics of themselves wearing these devices.)

2. Pokémon Go

Yes, this app had its moment, and that moment made you move your butt — but it didn't help people achieve IRL goals like booty gains, which require effort beyond putting one foot in front of the other, full-charged phone in hand.

3. "Skinny" Workouts

[instagram align='center' id='BNcqFqoB3yN']https://www.instagram.com/p/BNcqFqoB3yN[/instagram]

This year brought forth the Skinny Bitch Collective, a fitness program with a name (and carefully curated image) that implies it exclusively caters to lanky model types. While the workout itself is a killer in the best way possible, its narrow definition doesn't really fit with the body-acceptance movement currently delivering much cooler vibes. The same goes for the wildly popular Bikini Body Workouts created by Instagram fitness star Kayla Itsines, who's smartly rebranding her program and app under the name, "Sweat With Kayla" — a good thing considering every body is a "bikini body."

4. Cupping

When Michael Phelps made his first poolside appearance during the 2016 Summer Olympic Games sporting a back full of circular spots, he put the ancient practice of cupping on the map. Although cupping, therapy that involves pulling the muscle tissue away from the body to promote blood flow and muscle recovery, leaves you with crazy-colored skin (plus a lot of explaining to do), it caught on. But because there's no evidence that this technique works any better than traditional sports massage, which doesn't leave its mark, there's no better time to revert back.

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5. Sauna Suits

[instagram align='center' id='BIgTLQ-gzEQ']https://www.instagram.com/p/BIgTLQ-gzEQ[/instagram]

This year, Khloé Kardashian showed off her sauna suit, which is simply a fancier version of Bradley Cooper's Silver Linings Playbook costume:

The gist is that exercise generates heat. Wear a sauna suit, which is made of synthetic materials, and you'll hold that heat in, raising your body temperature even more to increase the amount you sweat and reduce your water weight.

But any weight loss you experience is temporary, and the approach can lead to overheating and dehydration. You could also prophylactically fill up on water, ending up with a sloshy stomach that makes high-intensity exercise even more difficult. Experts agree this trend isn't just stupid but O-V-E-R (or should have been before it even started).

6. Fitness Trackers

Now that you can track steps via your phone or a normal-looking watch from brands like Michael Kors and Fossil, you don't need an extra device to make you look like you just came in from a run. Besides, so many studies have found that fitness trackers are inaccurate, undermine weight loss, and don't do much for health or longevity, at least so far as step-counting is concerned. So this year, maybe spend your hard-earned dollars on a gym membership instead of a device that tracks just how infrequently you end up visiting it?

7. Mindful Exercise

No one is saying mindful living is total B.S. It's probably great to ~live in the moment~ and pay more attention to things like the way the breeze flows through your hair. But when you're sweating like a beast at the gym, distracting yourself with music makes it all more tolerable, as evidenced by new science that surfaced this year. Researchers from the University of British Columbia Okanagan campus found that beginners who took on high-intensity interval training workouts while listening to music hated their lives less than those forced to exercise in silence. So anyone who tells you to incorporate mindfulness into your workouts by, say, trudging through a treadmill run without your headphones so you can focus on the sound of your breathing needs to go home.

8. A.M. Dance Parties

It's not that morning dance parties are always a terrible idea. Hit up the first cardio dance class of the day at a fitness studio, and you'll really feel the burn. The problem is when parties are held at the crack of dawn at actual clubs with the intention of encouraging guests to channel a sober version of the moves that make them sweat it out on the dance floor Saturday nights, a real thing that Daybreaker promoters have been pushing since 2015.

These parties always end up feeling painfully awkward — so awkward that you don't get the heart-pumping workout you expected would replace real exercise at the gym. It doesn't help that it feels weird to wear sneakers and a sports bra in a club, and equally weird to wear club clothes when sweating is the goal. The whole concept suffers from a terrible identity crisis that doesn't stand a chance. So in the same way that "fetch" isn't ever going to happen, neither are sober dance parties that begin and end before you go to work.

9. Easy Prenatal Workouts

[instagram align='center' id='BMuFa3PDcVU']https://www.instagram.com/p/BMuFa3PDcVU[/instagram]

This year, a slew of six-pack moms went viral for their chiseled baby bumps, inspiring expectant moms to seek out exercises that, unlike the modified yoga stretches that comprise most prenatal workouts, actually make you sweat. On Pinterest, search volume for prenatal workouts went up 74 percent in 2016, according to a spokesperson for the company. And the hardcore strength-training exercises being pinned like crazy are proof that pregnant women are ready for workouts to keep them safe but also fit AF. After all, this was also the year researchers found that women who exercise during pregnancy are more likely to have kids who are into fitness. And who wouldn't want to breed a gym partner?

10. Fitness Classes That Are So Hard They Make You Want to Die

Ever since CrossFit amassed a devoted following and reputation as one of the hardest workouts around, and SoulCycle surfaced as one of the sweatiest indoor cycling classes, boutique fitness studios have been grappling for their own superlatives, with Tone House one-upping Barry's Bootcamp as the ultimate challenge for athletes, and Orange Theory Fitness, the high-intensity interval-training studio popping up in markets across the U.S., outfitting students with heart-rate monitors to confirm just how hard they're working. Come 2017, can we all be a little nicer to our bodies and let the hardcore thing go?! Any workout you do is awesome for your body and your mind, even if it's not The World's Hardest Class or led in relative darkness by a sergeant-like instructor.

Follow Elizabeth on Twitter and Instagram.

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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