14 Everyday Things That Make Me Feel Sexy

No. 12 feels like it would be obvious, but it's totally not.

Mar 21, 2018

1. Finding a great new pair of glasses that make me look awesome. A lot of the time when I wear glasses, I feel like I'm hiding behind them like a nerdy spy, but when I find a pair that make me really look awesome and powerful and cool instead, it's more like I have superpowers instead of a costume designed to protect my secret hotness. 

2. Buying a pair of joggers that feel like sweatpants but look super chic. Comfortable as hell because I'm basically wearing pajamas but I also have a shape? Watch the eff out.

3. Getting paid because I work hard AF. Sometimes I work so hard that it's easy to forget I actually get money at the end of it and that's why I'm busting my a$$ and crashing at the end of the day in a pile of my own tears. Getting that paycheck every week is a nice reminder that I'm doing awesome work and killing myself for a solid reason. 

4. Cleaning out my closet. There is almost nothing like filling up those donation bags and then watching them drift out of my life and out of my closet, leaving nothing but only the things I really love in a newly streamlined space 

5. Making my bed like a grown-up. This is so simple but it's also so easy to ignore it because I'm exhausted and I didn't sleep enough and worked 10 hours and who cares. But seriously, making my bed and then later getting to crawl into it at the end of the night makes me feel deliciously together and adult, and I love it so much (you know, when it happens, which is like once a week). 

6. Realizing I don't care if my ex and I ever get back together. Oh my god, having that realization that you're finally over someone you never thought you'd get over ever and truly being OK with never seeing them again and not caring if they'll ever come crawling back is like a legal street drug. 

7. Having someone say something super mean to me and not letting it bother me. It doesn't happen often, but being able to receive someone else's bad vibes and not let it ruin your own day can make you feel like an emotional superhero who is unkillable. 

8. Not getting something I really wanted and accepting that something better will come along. It's so easy to fall to pieces after you don't get what you want that hearing someone say, "Well, it wasn't meant to be," can rightfully send you into a freakout tailspin. But being able to realize, "Well, I didn't get that job I wanted and that's for the best!" takes so much fortitude and strength and self-awareness that it's bound to make you feel hot and in control, because in that moment you are. 

9. Shaved legs on cotton sheets. Even though I know shaving isn't necessary and I don't always do it, slipping into bed with freshly shaved legs on cool sheets is like, "Holy crap. Am I getting turned on by the feeling of my own legs? Guess so."

10. Not apologizing for having normal human feelings. I spent so many years apologizing for having a question or needing something that being able to stand my own ground when I say something that was hard for me to say but also totally necessary and reasonable feels like living in a house made of ice cream that never drips on your face. 

11. Putting on my headphones and listening to an awesome playlist while I walk down the street. Do I also pretend I'm in my own music video that entire time? Yes, I do. Do I feel super powerful and hot during that time? Yes. Yes, I do. 

12. Eating really healthy foods when I truly do not want to. Sometimes I do not want a kale salad and a green juice because I'm tired, and also macaroni and cheese is so good, and kale salad is also good but it is not macaroni-and-cheese good. Still, when I'm eating that kale salad and green juice, I remember how good I feel when I eat liquid and solid vegetables and want to high-five myself for doing what little kid me never in a million years would have wanted to do. 

13. Going to the gym and pushing myself harder than I wanted to. You know that moment in your yoga class when you want to roll over into child's pose and give up forever, but you don't do it and you keep trying? I don't know about you but by the end of the class, that makes me feel like the leader of a small yoga country. 

14. Buying something that's kind of expensive but fits me so well it's like it was made just for me. And knowing it will easily last me 20 times as long as the flimsy crop top I bought at Forever 21 for a fraction of the price, and unlike that crop top, it won't look like a used napkin in the three months. I am so smart and capable, TBH. 

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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