5 Things That Annoy Hiring Managers

Big NO-NOs!

Mar 21, 2018

You have finally landed an interview with your dream company - YEAH! There are lots of ways you can make an impression, but to ensure it's a GOOD one, avoid doing these 5 things that annoy hiring managers! 

1) Showing up too late/early. Being too early or too late shows the hiring manager that you do not respect their time. Avoid waiting around or showing up in a rush, and get to your interview 5 minutes before actual time. 

2) Lack of Research. Nothing is worse than not having an answer to a very basic company/job related question. Take some time before your interview to gain knowledge about the company and study the job description and how your skills relate to avoid any uncomfortable conversations. 

3) Arrogant behavior. Arrogance is just not cute! Leave the attitude at the door and walk into your interview with a smile and remember to be polite.

4) Lack of questions. When the hiring manager asks "Do you have any questions for me?" they truly are expecting to answer some of your questions. Asking questions means you are curious about the company/position so be sure to have at least one question prepared for the hiring manager.  

5) No 'Thank you' email. Hiring managers typically expect a thank you email because it shows them you appreciated their time and actually care about securing the job. Important to note: be sure to send a thank you note within 24 hours of your interview. 

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