8 Times People Turned Donald Trump Into Food

Ruining cake like this is very upsetting.

Mar 21, 2018

It's no surprise that the internet loves turning high-profile people into food creations. Disney princesses as latte art, hot guys as pancakes, celebrities as Oreos — you name it, it probably exists. But it's not always as cute or appetizing. Sometimes, people make food look like Donald Trump. Here are nine times people did just that.

Donald Trump as a Cake Pop

Cake pop master Janine Eshelbrenner, who runs a baking blog called Sugar Kissed, decided to turn Trump into a cake pop. She used yellow and orange chocolate chips and candy corn cotton candy for her creation.

"From the distinct orange glow of his skin to the questionable style of his hair, everything about Donald Trump that makes him mesmerizing to watch also makes him the perfect subject for a celebrity cake pop," she said.

Donald Trump as Candy Corn

While having candy corn and watching the news, Lauren Garfinkle, who runs the Instagram account Edible Government, realized she had all of the materials she needed to make Donald Trump's hair and face.

Garfinkle also has a website and Facebook page for Edible Government — which she says is "a culinary exploration of people and events that shape American politics, and a nod to the old adage, 'you are what you eat.'"

Donald Trump as a Pig in a Blanket

How fitting is this? Garfinkel made this for a Edible Government series she did for the food magazine Lucky Peach.

Donald Trump as Salmon

Another creation by Garfinkel for Lucky Peach. It's almost ridiculous how much fish can look like Trump.

Donald Trump as Chuckles Candy

By now you probably see a pattern. Pretty much anything orange and yellow can be turned into Trump.

Donald Trump as a Cheeto

Garfinkle used a Cheeto for this and calls it, "Donald Trump, Circus Peanut."

Donald Trump as Cake

Jay Murphy, owner of Kick Ass Kakes in Phoenix, Arizona, turned Trump into a creepy-looking cake. Murphy used fondant to make it look realistic and the "hair" was made of melted sugar mixture that he strung together one-by-one.

"People are just surprised it looks like him and ask why would I do something like this, but it's just the challenge," Murphy told 12news.com.

Donald Trump as Another Cake

Since one Donald Trump cake was (somehow) not enough, here's another one. On the day of the 2016 election, this Donald Trump cake was seen being wheeled into the Trump Tower in New York City.

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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